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Protecting Digital Gift Card Purchases with AI

nSure 101: How It Works

Fraud protection tools analyze each online transaction

By matching the buyers data against rules and machine learning intelligence

Leading to two main decisions - to approve or decline the transaction

But what about the unknown transactions that are not clearly fraudulent?

On average, 15% of transactions are labeled unclear or “grey”

Needing to immediately deliver the product, there is no time to manually review those transactions

Leading traditional fraud protection tools to simply decline the greys, resulting in a 16% decline rate’s patent pending AI specializes in analyzing virtual good transactions and is able to separate the legit buyers from the actual fraudsters

Leading to a 98% approval rate - substantially higher revenue and customer satisfaction

How are we so confident?

nSure’s machine was built to handle these high-risk transactions, this is what we do.

Our backbone

- Largest gift card platform in Europe

- Over $90m of GMV per year

- Sold highest friction cards

Our backers

Backed by Axa - #1 insurance company in the world, investment by Kamet.

What’s the process?

 0  Seamless integration

 1  Model training

 2  Live and liable

 0  Seamless integration

 1  Model training

 2  Live and liable

 Let's schedule a call! 

Jacob Hecht

Phone: +972-58-5006778


Jacob Hecht

Phone: +972-58-5006778
