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Engage and connect with colleagues and clients in a more meaningful way

⏱  Avg. Reading Time: 3 min.

Engage and connect with colleagues and clients in a more meaningful way

⏱  Avg. Reading Time: 3 min.


Business Storytelling workshops

Introduced by Gabrielle Dolan, presented by accredited partner Ellen Weiss challenge your assumptions and skills on storytelling for communicating in your profession.


Workshop provides practical frameworks to find and deliver stories effectively.

More about Ellen?


Since 2004, Gabrielle Dolan has emerged as one of the leading global authorities on Business Storytelling. She has injected her craft into top 100 companies all over the world and helped to unlock the potential of countless careers along the way.

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In this workshop you will...

If we don't use it, we lose it, so...



Everyone will automatically be enrolled in the 90-Day Follow Up program consisting of a weekly email with a short video to help participants consolidate their learning.  








Feedback from 4 Different GENIUS Alumni

Useful & Inspiring

"The Business Storytelling training was very useful and inspiring. In my opinion, storytelling is one of the most important and undervalued leadership skills today that has seldom been taught properly until now."

Senior Manager, Accenture

Unique and Practical

"What made this approach unique was being taught to reach into our personal stories to get professional messages across. Great for technical experts with complex plans to get others to support their work." 

Chief Knowledge Office, NASA

Raises Bar for Strong Communicators

"It's been a valuable source of inspiration, Ellen. A challenging exercise for me as well, despite many years of work in communications. You raised the bar."

CEO,General Manager, Edelman Italy

Simple & Powerful

"I'm at a loss for words to describe the shift the workshop had on me and my team. So many takeways and lessons. It was both simple and mind-blowing at the same time"

Sr. Leader, Financial Services 

100+ top companies from all over the world


Find the right stories
to support your business messages

Contact Ellen at: 