Make a Film Press Kit that Stands Out (Guide + Examples)

Learn how to make a film EPK that makes your film stand out. See movie press kit examples and use them as templates to create your best film media kit yet.

How to create a film EPK

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Short answer

What to include in a film media kit?

  1. Title slide

  2. Film synopsis

  3. Bios of key contributors

  4. High-quality stills

  5. Behind-the-scenes photos

  6. Fact sheet

  7. Director’s statement

  8. Official trailer

  9. Press reviews and quotes

  10. Contact information

  11. Next steps (Call to Action)

If you want to learn more, keep reading for a full breakdown of how to create a film EPK slide by slide.

What is a film EPK?

A film press kit is a collection of promotional materials designed to secure media coverage for a film. It typically includes a synopsis, cast and crew bios, director’s notes, high-quality stills, and press contact details.

Even the most brilliant filmmakers need EPKs to succeed

You've made a fantastic film, putting your heart and skill into every shot. But here's the thing: if nobody hears about your movie, all that passion and hard work might not find its audience.

It's a common problem for filmmakers. Creating a great film isn't enough—you have to get it in front of people.

That’s where a film press kit, or EPK, comes in. It acts like your film's business card, an essential tool for capturing the attention of media outlets, film festivals, and distributors.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create a film press kit that gets remembered and share some examples to inspire you.

Let's get started!

How to create a film press kit that attracts media attention

If you're a filmmaker looking to drum up excitement and get some media coverage, nailing your film press kit is key.

Let me walk you through how to create a film media kit that practically leaps off the page and grabs the media by the eyeballs.

1) Develop a compelling film synopsis

When you write your film’s synopsis, think of it as your main hook. Go beyond just summarizing the plot. What makes your film unique? Maybe it’s a quirky setting, intriguing characters, or a plot twist that flips everything on its head.

Elliot Grove, the founder of Raindance Film Festival and the British Independent Film Awards, suggests including 3 different lengths for your synopses in the press kit:

  • a long, detailed one that ends with a captivating production anecdote,

  • a medium one that offers a concise story overview plus a creative insight,

  • and a short, sharp summary followed by an intriguing anecdote.

This setup makes sure there's something for every media need, making it really easy for journalists to find a great angle for their stories.

Here's a great synopsis slide:

Synopsis slide example

2) Add a comprehensive FAQ section

Add a thorough FAQ section to your press kit to control the story around your film.

Use this space to tackle questions that might come up from your audience or critics, covering everything from how you developed your characters and dealt with technical issues, to the themes you’re exploring.

Keep your responses brief yet revealing, giving a snapshot of the creativity and decision-making behind your film.

Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  • What sparked the idea for this film?

  • Can you talk about a tough moment during filming and how you handled it?

  • What's one memory from production that stands out?

  • How did you pick your cast, especially for the lead roles?

  • What do you hope people get from watching your film?

  • How is this film different from your previous work?

  • What techniques did you use to give the film its unique style?

  • How did you manage your budget and resources for this film?

  • What projects are you working on next?

  • Any tips for someone just starting out in filmmaking?

3) Include high-quality visuals

Visuals are crucial in your film’s press kit. Make sure to include a mix of high-resolution images—think key scene stills, behind-the-scenes shots, and your official poster.

These images should be sharp and capture the mood and style of your film. If your movie has unique visuals or cool special effects, definitely highlight those to make people want to watch the finished project.

According to Elliot Grove, there 4 main types of stills you may want to include:

1) The cast reenacting key scenes

After shooting, get the actors to briefly hold their positions so you can rearrange them for the perfect shot. This way, you avoid any background noise from the shoot and get clean, clear images.

2) Behind-the-scenes action

Take pictures that show off the energy and expertise on set. Whether it’s makeup going on or a tricky scene coming together, these photos really highlight what it takes to make a movie.

3) Your role as a producer

Instead of typical photos of you sitting back with a script, aim for something more dynamic. Here's a cool trick: Take a page from stage actors who really know how to make their presence felt by pointing at something interesting. This gives a more personal and involved image of your role in the filmmaking process.

4) Photos with celebrities

If you can, bring a local celebrity to the set and take some photos together. This adds glamor and shows industry support for your project. Remember to position yourself so that your name appears first in photo captions, which usually read left to right.

Great example of a photos slide:

Media stills slide example

4) Detail key creatives’ bios

When you're putting together bios for your key creatives, don't just rattle off their resumes. Really dig into what makes their experiences special and how these have shaped your film.

Talk about their notable projects, but also share stories that show who they are behind their achievements—like the unexpected challenges they've tackled or the personal milestones that align with your film's themes.

This approach makes the reader feel connected to the creative minds behind your project.

Great example of a bio slide:

Film crew slide example

5) Add a director’s statement

Include a director’s statement to give a personal insight into your film.

This is your chance to talk directly to your audience about what inspired you, the challenges you overcame, and your overall vision.

Share why you’re passionate about this project and why it deserves their attention.

6) Highlight reviews and endorsements

Showcase any positive reviews or endorsements your film has received right at the start of your press kit.

This kind of positive feedback acts as a strong endorsement of your film's quality and can really hype up its appeal. Include quotes from respected sources to boost your film’s credibility and stir up excitement.

Don't forget to reach out for more feedback—ask festival organizers, genre-specific critics, and industry professionals to weigh in. Influencers and audience reactions from test screenings can also provide compelling testimonials.

Example of a reviews slide:

Film EPK reviews slide example

7) Create a detailed contact section

An effective film press kit should include a well-laid-out contact section. List your phone numbers, email addresses, and social media links clearly.

This setup ensures that media folks, festival organizers, and distributors can easily get in touch with you for any further discussions or questions.

Having your contact info readily available is key for keeping the conversation going.

8) Offer press-friendly materials

Include materials that are easy for the press to use. Add press releases, articles ready to go, and high-quality trailers or clips that can be easily downloaded and shared.

Make sure everything is in standard sizes and resolutions so that media outlets can use them without any hassle.

Example of a slide including a featured scene:

Film EPK featured scene slide example

9) Include technical information or statistics

Your press kit needs to include detailed technical information to meet the varied needs of festivals and distributors.

Here's what to cover:

  • Shooting format: Was your film shot on 35 mm, 16 mm, or digitally?

  • Aspect ratio: 16x9, 4x3, etc.?

  • Audio format: Describe the audio setup, like 5.1 surround sound or stereo.

  • Film length

  • Language

  • Age limit

For an interesting twist, the EPK for "Triangle of Sadness" included unique statistics such as the number of takes per shot and the number of actors considered for the lead role.

This approach adds depth to the press kit by giving insights into the production process and creative decisions.

10) End with a Call to Action

End your film's electronic press kit with a clear call to action.

This is the part where you suggest what the reader should do next—maybe they'll want to visit your website for more details, talk to your production team, or check out a screening.

Tailor your call to action to fit your goals: if you’re aiming to attract distributors, invite them to get in touch. If you’re targeting film festivals, encourage organizers to consider featuring your film.

Make sure your call to action is clear, direct, and provides all the necessary information for them to take the next step.

Great example of a next steps slide:

Next steps slide example

Successful film press kit examples that hook people in

Here are some top film press kit examples that have mastered the art of drawing viewers in.

We’ll explore how they blend intriguing content with smart design to stand out, and see how you can apply the same principles to your own deck.

Triangle of Sadness EPK

From the top-notch acting (Woody Harrelson's open mic scene was BRILLIANT) to a plot that’s as wild as our current times and sticks with you long after you leave the theater, this film truly deserved all its awards.

So, I was really curious to see how the best put their press kits together.

Two parts especially drew me in: the interviews with the director and cast, and the storyboards alongside stills from the film, which offered a great look into the creative process.

The only things I'd change? The format and the font color. The static PDF was a bit clunky to navigate—you had to zoom in and out a lot, and the yellow text on a blue background was hard to read.

Short film press kit

Right when I opened this press kit, the first thing that caught my eye was the video on the cover slide.

The scene showed a character in prison-like clothes against a cityscape, which really mirrored the film’s theme of the brutality of urban living and personal struggles.

And, our data shows that 32% more people interact with decks that have a video on the cover—so there's real evidence that it works!

To keep up that engagement all the way through, I'd suggest swapping out the plain email address on the last slide for an embedded calendar. This would make it super easy for people to take the next step.

Documentary electronic press kit

I'm definitely one of those people who can spend hours scrolling through cute animal photos and videos on Instagram (apologies to anyone I've spammed daily).

So, I was really excited when I saw the title of this documentary. But, even as a huge fan of animal content, I appreciated how it struck a good balance between text and visuals.

You get all the fun stuff, but it also includes all the essential technical details. Plus, with some expandable text sections, I could dive as deep as I wanted or keep it light.

Actor EPK

Every EPK I've looked at has been about a specific movie, so this one focusing on an actor really caught my attention.

As someone who loves old Hollywood glamor, I was absolutely hooked on the stills from one of Nancy's films. The embedded video that let me watch a scene right from the deck was a fantastic touch too.

It's a shame the film is fictional, because I found myself wanting to search "where can I see City of Shadows" right then and there. And that's exactly the kind of reaction a successful film EPK should spark.

Film director EPK

I really liked how this EPK for the film director starts off strong by featuring a positive quote right after the cover slide.

If you're curious to dig into more reviews of Louis Defoe’s filmmaking skills, there’s a cool narrator slide that let me scroll through the content at my own pace.

It kept me engaged right to the end, where there’s a calendar button and links to social media. If I were in the industry, I'd be scheduling a meeting straight away.

Indie film press kit

I have to admit, I'm usually not a fan of dark backgrounds in presentations because they tend to make everything blend together.

However, I really appreciated the timeline slide in this one. It did a great job of guiding me through the characters and the film festival schedule without any confusion.

As a filmmaker, I'd find the advanced analytics particularly valuable. Being able to see how many people viewed my press kit, which sections they spent the most time on, and where they lost interest would be incredibly useful.

When you’re chasing that crucial funding, insights like these can really make a difference!


If you have more questions about how to create a film EPK, here are the answers to some most frequently asked ones:

Who should you send your film press kit to?

  1. Entertainment journalists: Share your press kit with movie reviewers and entertainment writers. Choose those who are into the kinds of stories or genres that your film explores. They can really help spread the word to the right people.

  2. Festival teams: Always include your press kit when you submit your film to festivals. It gives the organizers a better sense of your film and helps them figure out how it might fit into their event.

  3. Broadcast outlets: Reach out to TV and radio stations that cover films and entertainment. Having your film mentioned or reviewed on these platforms can really boost its profile.

  4. Social media influencers: Connect with influencers who have a strong following online and engage audiences who would be interested in your film’s themes. Their support can really spread the word quickly.

  5. Industry insiders: Share your press kit with distributors and production companies who might help get your film out to a wider audience. A good partnership here can mean more people seeing your film.

  6. Local press: Don’t forget to contact local newspapers and broadcasters, especially if your film has ties to the area or was filmed nearby. Local media often jump at the chance to feature local talent and stories.

  7. Film critic associations: Reach out to film critic groups. Their reviews can lend your film more credibility and bring in more viewers.

Why should you create a film press kit?

  1. Increase visibility: A press kit makes it easier for journalists, festivals, and audiences to learn about your film, boosting its chances of getting noticed.

  2. Show professionalism: A well-prepared press kit shows you’re serious about your project, which can influence how industry insiders view your work.

  3. Make promotion easier: With all promotional materials in one place, marketing your film becomes much simpler for you and potential promoters.

  4. Attract distributors: Distributors often look for complete, polished presentations of a film; a film media kit provides exactly that, making your film a more attractive candidate for distribution.

  5. Help media coverage: By supplying key information and assets, a press kit makes it easier for media outlets to write reviews or feature stories about your film.

When should you start building your film press kit?

Start building your Electronic Press Kit (EPK) as soon as production kicks off.

Think of it as the highlight reel for your film. Capture those perfect behind-the-scenes shots, and those standout interviews with your cast and crew.

Kicking things off early helps you gather all this cool content before everyone moves on to their next projects after filming ends.

Where to find effective film press kit templates

Putting together a film media kit is quite a task. You need the right photos and videos that look fantastic but also load quickly and won't jam up someone's email.

Interactive film EPK templates are already set up and optimized for any device. Just grab a template, toss in your materials, and you’re good to go!

No templates found
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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