Create a Business Plan One-Pager (+ Proven Templates)

Learn what to include in a business plan one-pager & the best doc format. Learn how to write a one-page business plan, either from scratch or using a template.

Dominika Krukowska

14 minute read

What is a one-pager

Short answer

What to include in a business plan one-pager?

  1. Title slide
  2. Unique value proposition (UVP)
  3. Company overview
  4. The problem you are solving
  5. Market analysis
  6. The solution you offer
  7. Marketing and sales plan
  8. Main objectives and success metrics
  9. Key team members and their roles and accreditation
  10. Request for funds and use of funds
  11. Next steps (small concession)

Even the best business plan can be badly received if not presented well

If you make it too complex, dry, or fail to spark the investors’ interest, you’ll bury your chances of securing the funding necessary to get your business off the ground.

Your success lies in how you’re going to structure and deliver your business plan.

This post will provide you with essential tips and templates for creating a winning business plan one-pager.

You'll learn what to include, how to structure, and how to design a visually striking business plan that grabs attention and gets results.

Read on to build your confidence and empower yourself to present any business idea persuasively and stand out from your competition.

Let’s see how it’s done!

What is a business plan one-pager?

A business plan one-pager is a document that summarizes the key elements of a full business plan onto a single page.

It includes an outline of your company's mission, target market, products or services, revenue streams, competitive advantage, marketing and sales strategy, and financial projections.

Business plan one-pagers are often used as a pitch deck for investors, a proposal for business partnerships, or as an executive summary for internal use.

Why use a one-page rather than multi-page business plan?

Compared with traditional multi-page business plans, a one-pager has 3 significant advantages.

  1. It's concise and to-the-point. This makes it easier for investors and partners to grasp your vision quickly.
  2. A one-pager business plan has limited space. This forces you to present only the most important aspects of your business plan which makes your case more clear and compelling.
  3. It's more share-worthy. Because it's just one page, it's more likely to be read and shared.

Can I use a one-page business plan as a substitute for a more comprehensive business plan?

Probably not. Your business plan one-pager is not meant to replace a full business plan, but rather to supplement it.

While your one-pager provides a high-level overview of your business idea, it may not provide the level of detail some investors or partners require.

TIP: You can use a business plan one-pager as a way to test your business idea and get feedback before investing time and resources in creating a full-scale business plan.

How to write a one-page business plan

Let’s see how you can distill your business idea into a compelling format that makes you stand out and leave a lasting impression.

By the end, you'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to make others believe in your vision with just one page.

What to include in a business plan one-pager

We've identified 11 key elements that should be included in every highly effective business plan one-pager.

1. Title slide

The title slide of your business plan one-pager is your first chance to make a great impression on potential investors, so make it count!

Adding a video in your cover slide can boost engagement by 32%, get people to read your one-pager 37% longer, and make them 17% more likely to take the desired action at the end.

TIP: You can add the average reading time in the cover slide (right below your company name and logo). This simple little fix can shrink your bounce rate by 24%.

2. Unique value proposition

The Unique Value Proposition (UVP) slide of your business plan one-pager is where you get to showcase what sets your business apart from the competition. You can do it in the form of a tagline that encapsulates your company's essence.

A vision statement that speaks to the heart of your business can capture the interest of investors and entice them to read on.

The mission statement should be snappy, catchy, and memorable.

Example UVPs:

"Transforming the future of sustainable energy"

"Innovating personalized healthcare solutions."

3. Company overview

The company overview slide should tell investors the story behind your business.

A company overview should answer 3 critical questions:

  • how it came to be
  • what it stands for
  • and where it's headed

This slide should give investors a clear understanding of the type of business you're running, the problem you're trying to solve, and how your business aims to succeed in the marketplace.

By providing a succinct and compelling overview of your company, you can demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of your business, its strengths, and its potential for success.

A strong company overview slide can set the tone for the rest of your one-pager and make a great impression on investors.

4. The problem you are solving

This section should outline the pain points of your target market and explain why a solution is needed.

Presenting a compelling case for a real-world problem helps convince investors of the potential market demand for your solution.

TIP: Focus on the customer's perspective. Highlight the challenges they face and the impact those challenges have on their lives or businesses.

5. Market analysis

The market analysis slide is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge of the competitive landscape and your potential market.

It should describe your customer segments, the size of your target market, the current players in the market, and any gaps or opportunities that your business can leverage.

A strong market analysis slide demonstrates to investors that you've done your homework and that you have a deep understanding of the market you're entering.

6. The solution you offer

The solution slide should present the key features and benefits of your solution and demonstrate how it uniquely addresses the pain points of your target market.

A strong solution slide is the heart of your business plan one-pager.

It should showcase the innovation and value of your product or service. It should transport investors into a better world brought on by your business solution.

TIP: Carefully choose your words and visuals to describe your solution as transformational. The most successful business plans build excitement and anticipation and leave investors eager to learn more.

7. Marketing and sales plan

Your marketing and sales plan slide is your opportunity to showcase your strategy for reaching your target audience, generating interest in your product or service, and ultimately driving sales.

From pricing strategy and promotion to distribution channels, the marketing and sales plan slide should provide a comprehensive overview of how you plan to turn your vision into reality.

A well-crafted growth plan demonstrates your creativity and strategic thinking, you can inspire confidence in investors and show that you have what it takes to succeed in the competitive world of business.

8. Main objectives and success metrics

Your business plan one-pager's objectives and success metrics slide is where you define your key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives. It’s important to add this slide early on, as it serves as a roadmap for your business's growth.

Presenting a well-defined set of objectives and metrics will show investors that you have a solid understanding of what it takes to succeed in your industry, as well as a strategic mindset and commitment to achieving your goals.

9. Key team members and their roles

The team slide is where you showcase the people behind the business, including relevant skills, experience, and accreditation. Investors want to see a team that has what it takes to bring the business to life and drive its success.

This slide should highlight each team member's unique contributions, including their roles and responsibilities, as well as any relevant accomplishments. I recommend that you include a brief bio and corporate headshot to add personal depth.

TIP: Remember, you are selling you and your team just as much as you’re selling your business idea. Business success relies on a great team. What takes business from good to great is first “Who” then “What”.

Show that your team brings a diversity of thought, a wealth of experience, and a passion for the business that can inspire investors and make them fall for your team even more than they fall for your business idea.

10. Request for funds and use of funds

When you're asking for funding, it's essential to be crystal clear about how much you need and why.

Whether you're planning to launch a new product, hire more staff, or boost your marketing efforts, make sure to provide specific details and supporting data to back up your request.

In the use of funds section, break down precisely how you plan to allocate the funds you receive.

This involves outlining how much you'll spend on product development, marketing, hiring, or other expenses.

Remember, investors want to see a clear return on investment (ROI). Whether you bringing in a dedicated development team or buying a comprehensive tool stack, by prioritizing your spending based on your business goals and demonstrating how the funds will help you achieve them, you'll show investors that their money is in good hands.

11. Next steps

Don’t end with a thank-you slide! Instead, end your business plan one-pager by providing a clear and actionable call-to-action.

This slide should leave no doubt in investors' minds about what you want them to do next and how they can get involved in your business.

By providing a compelling call-to-action, you can increase the likelihood of securing funding and gaining valuable support for your business.

Our research shows that decks with a clear, singular next step have a 27% higher conversion rate than those which end with a generic “thank you” slide.

Business plan one-pager possible next steps:

  1. Scheduling a meeting to discuss the plan in more detail
  2. Scheduling a live demo of the product
  3. Downloading additional materials (market research, positioning, marketing plan, user research, product technical documentation, etc.)
  4. Signing a letter of intent
  5. Making an investment (mostly good for small donations/investments)

Here’s an example of a business plan built with this structure:

Business plan one-pager

Business plan one-pager

This one-page business plan presentation template covers your company, market, product and services, and growth plan as an interactive visual story that's easy to follow and highly engaging.

How to effectively fit a business plan on just one page

Let’s see the concrete steps you need to take to effectively condense your entire business strategy onto a single page without sacrificing critical information or losing sight of your goals.

1. Limit what you have to say

It's essential to prioritize the most vital information that investors need to know about your business. This means being strategic about what you include and what you leave out.

Rather than trying to cram every detail of your business into a single page, focus on the core information that defines your business.

Your core information is most often your unique selling proposition, target market, and financial projections.

2. Say what you have to say with fewer words (but avoid jargon and acronyms)

Since you're limited to just one page, it's important to be concise and to the point.

Avoid using complicated jargon or industry-specific acronyms that may be difficult for investors to understand. Instead, use clear and simple language that gets your message across quickly and effectively.

TIP: Write your message as if you're talking to a friend with no previous knowledge of what you do.

3. Give summaries and link to read full content

While it's important to be concise, you also want to ensure that you're providing enough information to give investors a good understanding of your business.

One way to do this is to provide brief summaries of key information and then provide a link to more detailed content.

4. Limit your use of visuals

Visuals can be a powerful tool for conveying information quickly and effectively, but they can also take up a lot of space on a one-page business plan.

Use visuals sparingly and only when they add value to your message. Consider using graphs, charts, and infographics to illustrate key points and data.

5. Move from PDF one-pager to web-based one-pager

Unlike PDFs, which require readers to constantly pinch in and out of content to make it legible, web-based one-pagers create an interactive experience with scrollable documents.

You can also use multimedia elements, such as videos and animations, to enhance your message and make the information more engaging.

With a web-based business plan one-pager, you can break up dense text into smaller, more comfortable chunks, creating a better reading experience for your audience.

Web-based one-pagers are designed to be mobile-friendly, so your audience can easily view your content on any device, from anywhere.

How to make your business plan one-pager stand out

First impressions are everything. An impressionable business plan one-pager can be the difference between securing investment and being left in the dust.

Here are some tips on how to make your business plan one-pager stand out:

1. Use motion

Including animation or video into your one-pager can be a powerful way to grab investors' attention and keep them engaged. Use motion to highlight key points or demonstrate how your product or service works.

To learn more about how it’s done, check out our article on how to use video animations to create engaging content.

2. Use original designs

Using original designs is a key element for standing out.

Avoid falling into the trap of using generic designs. Instead, take the time to create something that is truly unique and eye-catching.

This can be as simple as using your branding or as complex as creating your own infographics or custom illustrations such as Procreate color palettes.

3. Personalize

Personalization is the most effective way to make you stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Effective personalization:

  • Including a personalized note
  • Addressing the investor by name
  • Referencing their previous investments (to show that you've done your research)

Tailor-made decks are read in full 68% more often, 41% longer, and are shared internally 2.3x more often.

4. Customize according to the investor’s preferred format

Customizing your one-pager to the specific investor's needs and preferences is the best way to get and hold their attention.

Look for guidelines on their website, ask previous candidates, or ask the investors directly.

Fit your plan to their format and highlight aspects of your business that align with their investment portfolio or industry expertise.

5. Tell a story with data visualization

Data can be overwhelming, but presenting it in a visual format can make it more accessible and compelling.

Use infographics, charts, and other data visualization elements to tell a story about your business's growth and potential.

Here’s our selection of the best data visualization tools to get you started.

How to make a persuasive business plan one-pager

If you want your business plan one-pager to persuade investors to get on board with your vision, you need to make sure it hits all the right notes.

We've got you covered with tips for making a highly-persuasive business plan one-pager.

1. Define a unique audience with an acute problem

You should define your ideal customer profile (ICP) and the problems they face, and how your solution can help them solve these problems.

2. Describe your uncopyable solution to said problem

When describing your solution in your one-page business plan, it's important to emphasize what makes it unique and difficult to replicate by others.

3. Show traction or potential traction

To make your business plan one-pager more persuasive, it's critical to show evidence of traction or the potential for it.

Consider sharing metrics such as customer acquisition rates, revenue growth.

4. Incorporate social proof

You will never get funded without earning investors’ trust. Social proof is the best tool for building trust (other than a face-to-face meeting).

You can include customer testimonials, case studies, or awards to showcase your business's credibility and success.

5. Display your authority and expertise

Include any notable achievements,awards, or acknowledgement your team or product have received.

6. Tie your business goals with universal values

Consider connecting your business goals with universal values that resonate with investors.

This could include making a positive impact on society or the environment, supporting underrepresented groups, or promoting innovation and growth.

Some investors will appreciate the positive impact beyond ROI, others will care only about profitability. Do your research.

How to optimize business plan one-pager UX

When it comes to creating a one-pager business plan, choosing the right document format can make all the difference. Here are some crucial factors to consider:

1. Move from static to interactive

Static formats like PDFs and Word documents can kill engagement and interest with your one-pager.

On the other hand, interactive formats like web pages or Storydocs offer a more immersive, engaging, and memorable experience.

With interactive formats, you can include videos, animations, and other multimedia elements to help showcase your business in a more engaging way.

Static business proposal presentatio


Interactive business proposal presentation


2. Move from pinch and zoom to scroll

Pinch-to-zoom gestures on PDFs are annoying for most people. They make navigating the one-pager frustrating and make reading needlessly hard

A scroll-based interactive one-pager gives investors a familiar and easy way to read through your business plan. Just like they're accustomed to do with any other online content (that’s also mobile-friendly).

3. Become mobile-friendly

Static document formats like PDFs and Word documents are difficult to read and navigate on mobile devices, while web-based formats offer seamless mobile experience.

4. Move from local file to online docs

Local files, such as PDFs or Word documents are being replaced with web pages or cloud-based documents.

Online docs offer your readers easy access from anywhere and from any device, a better reading experience, reduced exposure to virus and malware, and easy sharing.

Best business plan one-pager document types

You have various document formats to choose from when creating your business plan. Each format has its own set of benefits and limitations that can affect how it's received by investors and stakeholders.

Let’s run through the important differences.

Best document type for a business plan one-pager:

Document type Available media Reading format Mobile-friendly Viewing format
Word / Google Docs Text, images, graphs Scroll Online / Computer app
PDF Text, images, graphs Pinch and zoom Online / Computer app
PPT Text, images, graphs, animation Slide show Online / Computer app
Storydoc Text, images, graphs, video, animation, live graphs, tabs, sliders Scroll Online

Business plan one-pager do’s and don’ts

✅ Keep it conversational and easy to understand.

✅ Use data to support your claims.

✅ Tell a story.

✅ Talk about your solution in the context of your audience's needs.

✅ Use interactive formats with multimedia.

✅ Focus on your unique selling proposition.

✅ Show that you have a plan for execution.

✅ End with your ask and a call-to-action.

✅ Clearly present your market positioning.

✅ Address major obstacles and provide plans to overcome them.

❌ Don't use buzzwords, jargon or go into technical detail.

❌ Don't make unrealistic claims.

❌ Don't spout out facts.

❌ Don't talk about your product (we, we, we).

❌ Don't use static formats.

❌ Don't focus on what makes your competitors bad.

❌ Don't make wild moonshot promises.

❌ Don't end with a “thank you” slide.

❌ Don't ignore your competition.

❌ Don't overlook potential risks and challenges.

Create your business plan from interactive template

If you want to create a business plan one-pager that will cut above the noise and get results, it will require a lot of hard work to get right.

What's worse, you run the risk of losing potential investors or stakeholders if you get it wrong.

A poorly designed or incomplete business plan could make it difficult for others to understand your vision or see the potential in your business.

To save time and frustration and remove the risk, consider using our interactive templates.

With Storydoc's business plan one-pager templates, you can focus on the content and messaging of your business plan, rather than spending hours formatting and structuring it.

Pick a business plan one-pager template:

Create story
from scratch

 business plan one pager presentation template
Business Plan One-pager
Use template
 business plan presentation template
General Business Plan
Use template
 strategic business plan presentation template
Strategic Business Plan
Use template
Startup business plan presentation template
Startup Business Plan
Use template
Fashion business plan presentation template
Fashion Business Plan
Use template
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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