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25 Business One-Pager Examples That Stand Out (+Templates)

See best one-pager examples that effectively sell your company, product, project, or service. Learn what makes good one-pagers for sales, marketing, and more.

 One-pager examples

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Short answer

What makes a good business one-pager?

A good one-pager includes only key information that enables the reader to reach a conclusion or make a decision. An effective one-pager at the beginning of communication gives just enough detail to build interest. A one-pager near the end of communications gives the critical information for making a final decision

Types of business one-pagers

Depending on your particular business goals, there are various types of one-pagers you can use with slight yet important differences.

Business plan one-pager

A business plan one-pager is great if you’re still in the early stages of figuring out your business idea.

It can work as a starting point before developing a full business plan. It will allow you to easily tweak and adjust when sending out to investors for gauging initial interest.

Browse business plan one-pager templates ➜

Project one-pager

A project one-pager is a succinct document that provides an overview of a specific project.

It includes essential details like objectives, scope, key milestones, current status, challenges, and next steps, presented in a clear and accessible format for stakeholders and team members.

Company one-pager

A Company one-pager outlines your offering in a concise manner with the intention of capturing your readers’ attention enough to want to learn more about your product or service in the near future.

Browse company one-pager templates ➜

Product one-pager

A Product one-pager is a succinct overview of a product or service.

It includes the main features of a product or service, the key pain points of your target audience that it aims to solve, the core benefits it brings, its position in the market, and past customer feedback.

It aims to raise brand awareness and establish a relationship with potential customers.

The main difference between a product one-pager and a company one-pager is that a product one-pager focuses on a single product or service in a company’s portfolio.

Browse product one-pager templates ➜

Or learn how to create an effective product one-pager ➜

Sales one-pager

While similar to a company one-pager, it’s more geared toward the unique value proposition your business provides to potential buyers.

It can also be used as a marketing tool and either published on your social media channels or distributed to prospective customers and investors.

Browse sales one-pager templates ➜

One-page proposal

At the end of a sales process, there usually comes a proposal.

The final proposal presented to the board is a one-page proposal that includes the succinct details of the sales offer, including provisions, costs, timetables, and a next step (many times this is an e-signature box).

Browse one-page proposal templates ➜

Marketing one-pager

This is commonly used by marketing agencies or service providers to quickly summarize their offerings. It includes a unique value proposition, basic details of the service provided, cost, timetable, and next steps.

Browse marketing one-pager templates ➜

Startup one-pager

A Startup-one pager, sometimes called a SaaS one-pager, provides an overview of your company’s UVP, position in the market, and competitive advantage.

The main goal is to convince potential investors and venture capitalists that your business idea is viable and scalable in order to obtain the funds necessary to grow your company.

Browse startup one-pager templates ➜

For tips on how to prepare a full version of your investor one-pager, follow our guide on how to create a winning pitch one-pager investors love.

Team one-pager

This one-pager provides an overview of the team that leads a company, a project, or an event. It briefly introduces key team members with their responsibilities, authority, skills, and know-how.

The purpose of a team one-pager is to persuade the reader of the team's ability to successfully lead a company or a project.

Browse team introduction slides ➜

Personal one-pager

This is a concise document that summarizes an individual's professional and personal background, skills, experiences, and accomplishments. It's similar to a resume, but more streamlined and often more visually engaging.

Effective one-pager examples for business

Cramming everything you want to say into a one-page business document can be a hard and painful process.

If you want to make your one-pager look professional, it’s even harder. And if you want to make it an engaging read, harder still.

That’s why I brought you the best one-pager examples. They were effectively used in the real world. They’ve been shown to communicate value, engage readers, and capture leads.

You can use these examples as templates to make your own killer one-pager (you also have template gallery to choose from at the end).

Let’s go!

NOTE: You may want to read our step-by-step guide on how to make a one pager for a practical playbook and ensential theory.

Business plan one-pager

This example is a good fit for SaaS startups. It effectively outlines the problem, solution, market analysis, and future objectives.

The design is clean and professional, which appeals to investors and stakeholders. It's a great example of clear structure and concise presentation of key information.

Product one-pager

This example is effective for travel industry professionals. It showcases a comprehensive ERP solution with a focus on efficiency and productivity.

The design is modern and engaging, making complex information accessible and appealing. Its clear layout and interactive elements demonstrate the software's capabilities and benefits.

Digital Product One-Pager

This example is very good for manufacturing businesses looking to digitalize their operations. It highlights the ease and speed of transforming into a smart factory.

The design is sleek and forward-thinking, aligning well with the product's digital nature. Its focus on real-time data and efficiency gains is particularly useful for businesses seeking to improve productivity and decision-making.

SaaS product One-Pager

This example is superb when you are running an eCommerce business focusing on customer loyalty and engagement. It highlights features like reward programs and analytics in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

The design is vibrant and user-friendly, making it easy to grasp the product's benefits.

Its focus on actionable insights and integration capabilities is particularly useful for businesses aiming to enhance customer experiences and drive growth.

Physical product one-pager

This example is excellent for tech companies showcasing innovative solutions. It effectively communicates how FuturumTech's products simplify technology use and enhance efficiency.

The design is sleek and tech-oriented, which resonates well with its target audience.

The example shows how user empowerment through easy integration and customization.

Startup product one-pager

This example is optimal for tech startups aiming to showcase their innovative solutions. It effectively communicates how your products address industry challenges and drive growth.

The design is dynamic and modern, aligning with the startup ethos.

Its focus on tailored solutions, from consultation to integration, is particularly useful for businesses seeking to enhance their technological capabilities and efficiency.

Sales one-pager

It effectively communicates how their services can streamline operations and enhance efficiency. The design is professional and straightforward, focusing on clarity and impact.

Its step-by-step explanation of the process, from discovery to optimization, is particularly useful for businesses looking to understand how your solutions can be integrated into their operations for improved results.

Tech sales one-pager

This example is amazing for businesses seeking advanced data extraction solutions. It effectively showcases how cloud technology and automation can revolutionize data handling.

The design is sleek and tech-focused, emphasizing the product's modernity and efficiency.

Its clear explanation of the step-by-step process, from connection to automation, helps buyers understand the impact of your solutions on operational efficiency and ROI.

Outbound sales one-pager

This example is great for BI and analytics teams facing data discovery challenges. It effectively illustrates how data management platforms provide complete visibility and efficient data management.

The design is straightforward and focused, highlighting the solution's ease of use and quick implementation. It tells the story of how automated data lineage and discovery can revolutionize your client’s business.

AI cyber security sales one-pager

This example is perfect for online retailers dealing with digital gift card fraud. It effectively showcases an AI-driven solution that distinguishes legitimate transactions from fraud, significantly reducing false declines.

The design is clean and focused, exemplifying the technology's sophistication and effectiveness.

The one-pager covers high approval rates and seamless integration. You can use it to enhance revenue and customer satisfaction without compromising on security.

Real estate sales one-pager

This example is ideal for real estate agencies, aiming to simplify the home-buying process.

It effectively communicates how a personalized approach and technology make finding the perfect home easier and more enjoyable.

The welcoming and user-friendly design reflects the company's focus on customer satisfaction.

It focuses on expert guidance, wide property selection, and streamlined transactions. This helps your prospective clients navigate the complex real estate market.

Marketing one-pager

This example works well for businesses facing challenges in customer acquisition and marketing ROI. It showcases how marketing solutions enhance marketing strategies and drive success.

The design is professional and engaging, reflecting the company's commitment to quality and innovation.

The one-pager explains how using tailored solutions, from consultation to implementation can bring exceptional results.

Social media marketing one-pager

This example is a good choice for brands looking to amplify their social media presence. It effectively demonstrates how tailored content strategies enhance audience engagement and drive conversions.

It focuses on crafting and delivering captivating content across key platforms. It’s useful for businesses seeking to stand out, expand their reach, and resonate with their target audience.

Startup PR one-pager

This example is excellent for innovative tech startups, especially with an attractive physical product to show off.

The design is sharp and futuristic, aligning with the cutting-edge nature of their product.

It effectively highlights significant achievements by the company and demonstrates the system's versatility and deployment in high-stakes scenarios like defense and emergency services.

It could be useful for illustrating the product's real-world impact and potential for growth.

Project proposal one-pager

This example works well for project overviews for services. It effectively outlines performance management and advisory, addressing common project challenges. The design is clear and professional.

This one-pager proposal breaks down the project plan, timeline, and budget. It helps prospects understand the scope of a solution rollout and the impact on their organizational success.

Project overview

This example is useful for tech companies seeking to revolutionize their operations with innovative software solutions.

It outlines how business management software, leveraging AI and data analytics, enhances productivity and decision-making. The design is clean and modern.

This project one-pager includes the project's phases, from analysis to implementation.

Tech project one-pager

This example is outstanding for businesses seeking advanced tech solutions like AI and blockchain solutions.

It highlights how custom solutions address efficiency, security, and scalability challenges.

The design is crisp and professional.

It includes a detailed project plan, timeline, and budget breakdown. This helps businesses clearly understand the scope and impact of your solutions on their operational advancement and market competitiveness.

Company profile one-pager

This example is a good fit for tech companies aiming to showcase their product's features and history in an engaging way. Its interactive elements and clear layout make complex information concise, accessible, and interesting.

The design is modern and aligns well with tech industry standards, making it appealing for investors and stakeholders.

Company overview one-pager

This example is excellent for businesses looking to showcase their innovative solutions and market impact.

It highlights a user-centric approach, emphasizing how the technology optimizes operations for e-commerce, startups, and large enterprises.

The design is clean and professional, reflecting the company's focus on efficiency and user experience.

The detailed presentation of success metrics, like revenue growth and customer satisfaction, communicated the company’s impact on their client’s operational improvement and market success.

Company intro one-pager

This example is best for businesses in the finance and technology sector. It showcases how high-end services empower businesses with digital transformation, focusing on streamlining operations and enhancing customer experiences.

This one-pager covers the details of the consultation, implementation, and support process. It tells the story of how the company can drive growth and operational efficiency for its clients.

Startup executive summary one-pager

This example is fitting for startups seeking to impress potential investors or partners.

Its clear structure highlights key business aspects like challenges, solutions, and benefits.

The design is sleek and professional, which appeals to contemporary tastes. It effectively communicates essential information quickly, making it a powerful tool for first impressions.

One page business report

This is a good example of internal company updates or briefings to stakeholders. Its concise format efficiently presents key financial data and performance metrics.

The design is clean and focused, making it easy for readers to grasp essential information quickly. This one-pager is particularly useful for conveying complex data in a digestible format.

Compact one-pager

This example is excellent for companies aiming to showcase their solutions in a very succinct manner.

Its streamlined layout efficiently highlights key offerings and benefits.

The design is minimalistic with a shallow scroll but remains engaging. It's good for quickly communicating essential details in an accessible way.

Simple one-pager

This example is advised for businesses looking to communicate their core values and services in a straightforward way.

Its uncluttered layout makes it easy to digest, focusing on essential information.

This ensures the message is conveyed without distractions. It will swerve you well in circumstances where you need to engage audiences who appreciate clarity and brevity.

Business one-pager templates that move the needle

A lot may depend on your one-pager, and the best way to do it may not always be as clear as you’d like.

For this reason, I brought you some of our best one-pager templates that we’ve seen work well for our clients.

They are all tried in the field and tested for every device. They worked for others and they would likely work for you.

Grab one!

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Personalized vs generic one-pager examples

You can’t afford to send generic one-pagers if you want to succeed against your competitors.

You either stand out or stand down. You have to personalize your content if you want to convince prospects to give you their scarce time and attention.

If you’re not talking to them, why should they talk to you?

Certain one-pager builders, such as Storydoc, also let you create personalized tailor-made versions of your one-pagers for individual prospects at scale.

Storydoc can pull data directly from your CRM, meaning you can automate personalized one-pagers for each recipient based on your CRM or lead management software contact information.

If you're not using personalization then you should— it can skyrocket your one-pager conversion rates.

According to our research personalized content:

  • Gets 68% more people to read one-pagers in full

  • Increases the average reading time by 41%

  • Share by prospects internally 2.3x more often

Imagine the impact this could have on your performance.

Static PPT example
Static one-pager
Interactive Storydoc example
Interactive Storydoc

One pager builder vs. website builder

If you take anything from this post I hope it’s the advice to never send another PDF or Word one-pager again, but use a web-based one-pager instead.

But still, I wouldn’t recommend going through all the hassle involved in building a one-pager with traditional website builders like Wix or WordPress.

They’ve been designed with whole websites in mind which makes them too complicated for making a simple one-pager. It would be much easier, much faster, and more effective to use a dedicated one-pager builder.

Amotz Harari

As the Head of Marketing, I lead Storydoc’s team of highly trained content-ops warriors fighting to eradicate Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it resides. My mission is to enable buyer decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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