I) Don’t conclude, and don’t say “thank you”
If you did your work well, then your one-pager has managed to create motivation for change in your readers. Amazing! That was the hard part. Now your readers are primed to take action, and the only thing that’s missing is a big-ol’ button to nudge them along.
Ending your one-pager or presentation with a “thank you”, or a “conclusion” slide will kill your efforts to maintain a relationship with your reader and prospective client. That’s because they pose a hard stop at the moment when a light nudge down the funnel is badly needed.
If you don’t end your one-pager with a clear and easily accessible call-to-action, all the effort you’ve put in so far will be lost.
You should open up two-way communication between you and your reader by making the next step they should take perfectly clear.
II) Don’t be pushy - nudge lightly
Any next step down the sales funnel, even the smallest one, as long as it’s on your readers’ own terms, is great. This is what Neil Rackham, the author of Spin Selling, calls the advance.
The principle is that as long as you get a commitment from your prospects for further interaction, you’re still in the game, and in a better position to provide them with more value and ultimately make a sale.
Next steps you can use to get prospects to advance:
- Read a white paper with a deep dive into their problem and your solution
- Select the best webinar platform and sign up for it
- Read a case study
- Read a relevant article on your blog
- Sign up for an email crash course
- Sign up for free trial of your product or service
- Schedule a consultative talk with a professional
- Schedule a demo with your sales team
- Attend an event (digital or real world)
III) Leverage technology to make the next step as easy as can be
Every time a potential client closes your presentation, you risk losing their attention, as it can easily get stuck between the hundreds of emails they have to answer each day.
That’s where software integrations come in. With just a few clicks, you can integrate your one-pager with your calendar so prospects can book that coveted next meeting straight from the deck, or include a chatbot.
It’s particularly important on the first touchpoint, as your leads aren’t yet convinced they want to become paying customers of your solution. Meaning, if they don’t know how to book that next meeting, they’ll keep looking for a product that meets their needs better.
There’s science behind it too. Out of all the decks we analyzed, those that included a singular, clear next step had a 27% higher conversion rate!