18 Persuasive Proposal Deck Examples (+Tips & Templates)

Elevate your proposal game with our guide featuring standout proposal deck examples, expert tips, and easily customizable templates for different industries.

Proposal deck examples

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Short answer

What is a proposal deck?

A proposal deck is a visual presentation that outlines your project or business idea. It typically includes slides on objectives, strategies, timelines, and expected outcomes, presented in a clear, engaging format to persuade potential clients or investors.

It's how you present your proposal that can close the door on you

It's incredibly disheartening when a proposal, into which you've poured your heart, effort, and time, gets turned down right at the finish line.

To make a great idea really shine, you need a standout presentation. In this guide, I’ll walk you through creating a proposal deck that gets noticed, inspires action, and drives results.

I’ll also pair it with successful proposal deck examples from various industries and customizable templates to kickstart your next proposal.

Let's turn those rejections into opportunities for success!

What is the difference between a proposal deck and a pitch deck?

The difference between a proposal deck and a pitch deck is that a proposal deck focuses on detailed solutions and strategies for a specific client or project, emphasizing customization. A pitch deck, however, presents a general overview of a business idea or startup, aimed at attracting investors and partners.

How do you structure a proposal deck?

Creating a proposal deck is about strategically guiding your audience through a persuasive narrative.

Each slide should be a stepping stone, building your case and keeping your audience engaged from start to finish. Here's how to lay out your deck for maximum impact.

10 essential slides of a proposal deck:

  1. Title slide: Start with a strong, engaging title and your company's name.

  2. Problem statement: Clearly identify the issue or need your proposal addresses.

  3. Your solution: Concisely present your solution, focusing on its uniqueness and value.

  4. Benefits: Highlight the key advantages your solution offers to the client.

  5. Methodology or approach: Outline your strategy and methods for implementing the solution.

  6. Timeline: Provide a clear, realistic timeline for project execution and completion.

  7. Case studies or examples: Demonstrate credibility with relevant success stories or experiences.

  8. Budget and pricing: Clearly outline the financial aspects with transparency.

  9. Team introduction: Introduce your team, emphasizing their skills and roles.

  10. Next steps: Conclude with actionable next steps and a call-to-action.

What are the main types of proposal decks?

Proposal decks come in various forms, each tailored to convey specific ideas and objectives in the most effective way. Understanding the main types helps in crafting a deck that resonates with your target audience and achieves your goals.

8 key types of proposal decks:

  1. Event proposal deck: Ideal for showcasing event concepts, focusing on themes, logistics, and audience engagement.

  2. Project proposal deck: Outlines the objectives, scope, and plan for a specific project.

  3. Sports proposal deck: Designed for sports-related pitches, highlighting team strengths, achievements, and event plans.

  4. Business proposal deck: Used for presenting comprehensive business plans, including market analysis and growth strategies.

  5. Partnership proposal deck: Focuses on proposing collaborations, detailing mutual benefits and partnership dynamics.

  6. Sales proposal deck: Tailored for sales pitches, emphasizing product benefits, pricing, and customer value.

  7. Research proposal deck: Presents research projects, outlining objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes.

  8. Marketing proposal deck: Used for pitching marketing strategies, focusing on target demographics, channels, and campaign ideas.

Proposal deck examples that persuade and drive action

The power of a proposal deck lies in its ability to persuade and inspire action. In this section, we'll explore real-world examples of proposal decks across various industries and use cases and dissect what makes each of them effective.

Whether you're pitching a business idea, a project plan, or a partnership, these examples will provide valuable insights and inspiration for creating a proposal deck that not only informs but also motivates your audience to act.

NOTE: These proposal decks have been created for fictional companies. However, they're 100% replicable, so you can use them all as templates. They've been created with best practices in mind, optimized for engagement, and look great on any device.

Product launch proposal

This proposal deck for a physical product launch, specifically for SpoonCo Sonic Harmony headphones, is visually engaging and informative, showcasing the product's features and market potential.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Video on the cover: The deck starts with an eye-catching video, immediately grabbing attention.
  • Editable product specs: It allows for updating product details even after the deck has been sent, ensuring always up-to-date information.
  • Multiple smart CTAs: It offers various calls-to-action, guiding the viewer through different engagement options.

Brand design proposal

The brand design proposal deck by Pollyartis is a visually stunning and comprehensive presentation, detailing a strategic approach to crafting unique brand identities and enhancing online presence.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Guided content: The deck utilizes grayed-out content to guide readers through the proposal effectively.
  • Detailed project timeline: It includes a project timeline slide, providing a clear roadmap of the branding process.
  • Interactive success stories: It features a slide with clickable tabs showcasing various success stories, adding credibility and engagement.

Brand strategy proposal

The brand strategy proposal deck by Excea is a detailed and visually appealing presentation, focusing on crafting powerful brand identities with a strategic approach for digital success.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Clear pricing information: The proposal provides transparent and detailed pricing information for each service offered.

  • Terms and Conditions slide: The terms and conditions slide provides all necessary legal information in a clear, concise manner. This ensures both parties are well-informed and agree on the scope and limitations of the services.

  • 'Accept' button: To make the acceptance process as smooth as possible, there's an 'Accept' button included. This feature simplifies the agreement process and reduces deal closing time.

Modern brand proposal

Ideal for online business ideas, this deck redefines branding proposals with its intuitive design that guides the viewer through a journey of strategic content, coupled with innovative features for extracting brand elements and a comprehensive service scope.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Guided content with grayed-out sections: It uses grayed-out content to direct attention effectively through the proposal.
  • Branding extraction feature: The deck features the ability to extract branding elements directly from a client's website.
  • Clear presentation of scope of services: It offers a clear and detailed presentation of the scope of services, outlining what clients can expect.

Modern workshop proposal

This modern workshop proposal deck is designed to promote an innovative workshop, effectively outlining the agenda, training content, and expected outcomes in a clear and engaging format.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Agenda slide: The proposal provides a clear overview of the deck’s agenda, setting expectations right from the start.
  • Expandable text sections: It offers more information without overwhelming the reader, thanks to expandable text sections.
  • Articulation of benefits: It clearly outlines the benefits of the consultancy, making the value proposition evident to the reader.

Light mode marketing proposal

This light mode deck offers a unique blend of client-focused data visualization, the personal touch of custom video integration, and a clear, step-by-step process timeline for clarity and engagement.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Client snapshot slide: It includes a client snapshot slide, featuring various data visualization components for a comprehensive overview.
  • Custom video option for sharing: The editor allows for adding a custom video when sharing the deck with a prospect, adding a personal touch.
  • Timeline slide: It features a timeline slide, guiding prospects through the marketing process step by step.

Professional sales proposal

This proposal deck is a blend of functionality and design, offering an interactive and engaging experience.

It features a streamlined layout with expandable sections for in-depth information, making it an effective tool for presenting complex sales strategies in an accessible manner.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Team slide integration: The deck includes a dedicated team slide, introducing the sales team with professional photos and brief bios, fostering trust and personal connection with potential clients.
  • Clear layout: It features a well-organized layout, presenting key information at a glance. For those interested in delving deeper, 'Read more' buttons allow for expanded details without cluttering the main view.
  • Embeddable calendar feature: This facilitates immediate action, allowing clients to schedule meetings or follow-ups while they are engaged with the proposal.

Business project proposal

This business project proposal deck is a sophisticated and interactive tool designed for presenting comprehensive project plans and strategies.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Access to analytics panel: The deck includes an integrated analytics panel, providing real-time insights into viewer engagement and interactions.
  • Responsive design: It boasts a responsive design, ensuring seamless viewing across various devices and screen sizes.
  • AI assistant for content generation: The proposal features an innovative AI assistant, enabling the generation of dynamic content tailored to the project's needs.

Modern partnership proposal

This modern partnership proposal deck is designed to facilitate business collaborations, featuring a clear and persuasive layout with focus on detail and mutual benefits.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Expandable section for terms of agreement: It includes an expandable section, providing detailed terms of agreement without overwhelming the main content.
  • Pricing package slide: The deck presents various pricing packages clearly, aiding in transparent and informed decision-making.
  • Clear presentation of key points: It effectively outlines the pain points, objectives, and benefits of partnering, ensuring a mutual understanding of the partnership's value.

Marketing partnership proposal

This marketing partnership proposal deck is a highly interactive and customizable presentation, designed to effectively communicate marketing strategies and partnerships.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • CRM integrations: The deck allows for CRM integrations, enabling the extraction of client data directly into the presentation.
  • Automatic layout adjustments: Every added element automatically adjusts to the layout, ensuring a cohesive and professional look.
  • Easily customizable slides: Each slide is designed for easy customization, allowing for a tailored presentation that aligns with specific marketing goals.

Event proposal deck

Tailored for event planners, this deck blends a meticulous budget breakdown with rich multimedia integration and interactive engagement strategies, setting a new standard in event proposal presentations.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Transparent budget section: It includes a transparent budget section, providing clear financial details and expectations.
  • Multiple image and video placeholders: The deck is equipped with various placeholders for images and videos, enhancing the visual storytelling aspect.
  • Multiple smart CTAs: It offers the option to add multiple smart calls-to-action, guiding the viewer through different engagement options effectively.

Modern music event sponsorship proposal

This proposal deck is tailored for pitching music event sponsorships, combining visual flair with informative content.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Data visualization components: It includes sophisticated data visualization tools, presenting key event metrics in an engaging and understandable format.
  • Narrator slide: The deck features a narrator slide, guiding readers through the successes of past events, adding depth and context.
  • Embeddable videos: Videos can be directly embedded into the deck, providing a dynamic and immersive experience for potential sponsors.

Consulting service proposal pitch deck

Strategically designed for consultants, this proposal deck merges the power of storytelling through case studies with a harmonious blend of textual depth and visual appeal.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Embeddable case study: The deck allows for embedding a detailed case study, providing tangible evidence of past successes and expertise.
  • Balance of text and visuals: It achieves a perfect balance between text-based and visual slides, ensuring clarity and engagement.
  • Data visualization library: It includes a comprehensive library of data visualization components, enabling the presentation of complex data in an accessible manner.

Social media proposal deck

Focused on the dynamic world of social media, this proposal deck stands out with its ability to personalize content on-the-fly, narrate compelling project journeys, and incorporate live data for a cutting-edge presentation.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Dynamic variables for personalization: It features dynamic variables, allowing for quick and easy personalization of the deck.
  • Narrator slide for project details: The deck includes a narrator slide, effectively conveying the details and objectives of the social media project.
  • The option to embed live stats: The ability to embed live data, such as real-time social media statistics, adds a layer of immediacy and relevance.

Athlete sponsorship proposal

Crafted for athletes seeking sponsorship, this deck captivates with its dynamic display of key statistics, a well-structured array of sponsorship options, and a user-friendly scroll-based design that brings the athlete's story to life.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Running numbers for key statistics: The proposal features dynamic running numbers, highlighting the most important statistics in an engaging manner.
  • Sponsorship packages in tabs: The deck segments various sponsorship packages in tabs, making it easy to understand and choose.
  • Scroll-based design: It utilizes a scroll-based layout for easy navigation and enhanced engagement.

Sports tournament proposal

The sports tournament proposal deck for ACME Cycling Team is dynamic and visually striking, designed to showcase the team's achievements and offer sponsorship opportunities.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Running numbers: It features dynamic running numbers that grab readers’ attention and boost engagement.
  • Scroll-based design: The deck utilizes a scroll-based layout for easy navigation and engagement.
  • Multiple image and video placeholders: It includes various placeholders for images and videos, enhancing the visual appeal and storytelling aspect.

Italian restaurant proposal

This proposal is ideal for showcasing restaurant concepts with a focus on market and competition analysis, enhanced by user-friendly design features.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Logo finder: The editor simplifies the design process by extracting logos directly from the website, ensuring brand consistency and professional aesthetics.
  • Detailed market analysis slide: The deck offers in-depth insights with various data visualization components, highlighting the restaurant's market position and competitive landscape.
  • Expandable text sections: It allows for a more detailed exploration of each team member's experience and menu item, providing a comprehensive understanding of the restaurant's offerings and expertise.

Construction proposal

This construction proposal deck is a comprehensive presentation, detailing project specifics, timelines, and costs for an apartment complex construction, showcasing expertise and commitment to quality.

What makes this proposal deck great:

  • Dynamic variables: The proposal allows for quick personalization with dynamic variables throughout the deck.

  • Cost estimate table: A comprehensive cost estimate table is included, featuring expandable text sections for detailed breakdowns. This allows for a clear understanding of all costs involved.

  • 'Accept' button: To finalize the agreement, the proposal includes an 'Accept' button, designed to resemble a signature field. This feature simplifies the acceptance process, making it more intuitive and engaging for the client.

How to create a proposal deck?

Your proposal deck is often the most impactful point of contact with your audience. It's about telling a story that resonates with your audience, convincing them that your idea is not just viable, but irresistible.

Let's dive into some expert tips on how to create a proposal deck that turns skepticism into belief and interest into commitment.

1) Define your objective clearly

Start by being crystal clear about the objective of your proposal. What is the ultimate goal you're trying to achieve?

Whether it's securing funding, getting a project greenlit, or forming a partnership, your entire deck should be aligned with this objective. Every slide, every piece of data, and every argument should serve this end goal.

2) Understand your audience

Take a moment to really understand who your audience is. What are their needs, pain points, and expectations?

A proposal tailored to the specific interests and concerns of your audience will always be more effective. This means using language they understand, addressing their specific concerns, and showing that you have the solution to their problem.

3) Structure your content strategically

Every great proposal tells a story. Your deck should have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Start by setting the scene and outlining the problem or opportunity. Then, lead your audience through your proposed solution, and conclude with a compelling call to action.

A narrative structure helps keep your audience engaged and makes your proposal more memorable.

4) Be concise and clear

Clarity is key in a proposal deck. Each slide should convey one main idea.

If you find yourself trying to cram too much information onto a single slide, it's a sign you need to simplify. Use bullet points, short sentences, and clear headings to make your content easily digestible.

5) Research and integrate relevant data

Your proposal should be underpinned by solid research. Include relevant market analysis, case studies, or success stories that support your proposal.

This data should be integrated into your narrative to strengthen your arguments and give credibility to your proposal.

Here's a great example of a data visualization slide:

Data visualization slide example

6) Address potential objections

Anticipate any potential objections or questions your audience might have and address them within your deck.

This not only shows that you've thought through your proposal thoroughly but also helps to build trust with your audience by acknowledging and addressing their concerns.

7) Keep your content focused

Avoid the temptation to include everything you know about the subject. Focus on what's most important.

Prioritize content that directly contributes to your objective and resonates with your audience. Less is often more when it comes to making a strong, focused argument.

8) Personalize where possible

If you can personalize aspects of your deck for specific audiences or stakeholders, do so. This could be as simple as including the client's logo or as complex as tailoring the content to address their unique challenges.

Personalization shows that you've put thought into your proposal and value your audience's specific needs.

Here's a great example of a personalized deck:

how to make a good personalized proposal deck

9) Include a clear call to action

What do you want your audience to do after they've seen your deck? Whether it's scheduling a meeting, signing a contract, or just considering your proposal, make this clear.

A strong call to action slide provides a clear next step for your audience and can significantly increase your chances of success.

Here's an example of a next step slide:

Next step slide example

Incorporating an 'Accept' button into your proposal is another small change that makes a big difference.

It's a straightforward way for clients to give their approval, cutting down on the time it takes to get from proposal to partnership.

This feature is a smart move towards smoother, faster business agreements, benefiting both you and your clients with its simplicity and effectiveness.

Here's an example of a deck with an accept button:

Accept button example

Proposal deck design principles

The design of your deck is not just about looking good; it's about enhancing comprehension, retaining attention, and creating an experience that sticks with your audience long after the presentation is over.

Let's dive into the art of designing a proposal deck that not only looks professional but also communicates your message with clarity and impact.

1) Embrace interactive elements

When it comes to proposal decks, many turn to static legacy decks that are straightforward, often resembling a digital brochure filled with text.

They're like reading a book from cover to cover; you get all the information, but the journey is predetermined, with no room for interactive elements or personalized pathways.

They can also be a bit of a squeeze on mobile devices, often requiring zooming in and out to read the details.

Interactive decks are like stepping into a 'choose-your-own-adventure' book. They transform the viewer's experience from a passive receipt of information to an active exploration with elements such as embedded links, clickable tabs, and dynamic graphs.

It's about creating a journey where the audience can dive deeper into areas of interest, watch embedded videos for more insights, or interact with real-time data.

Here's what a static deck looks versus an interactive one:

Static PPT example
Static PPT
Interactive Storydoc example
Interactive Storydoc

2) Make sure the design is responsive

With people accessing content on a variety of devices, responsive design is crucial. Your proposal deck should look great and function well whether it's viewed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

This means optimizing layouts, text sizes, and interactive elements to work seamlessly across different screen sizes. Responsive design ensures that your audience has a quality experience no matter how they choose to view your deck.

Here's an example of a mobile-responsive deck:

Responsive deck example

3) Visualize your data

Data visualization is a powerful tool in proposal decks. It turns complex data into easy-to-understand visuals like charts, graphs, and infographics.

Good data visualization should simplify information, not complicate it. Use it to highlight key points, show trends, or compare figures.

Remember, the goal is to make your data accessible and meaningful to your audience, helping them grasp your points quickly and clearly.

4) Maintain consistent branding

Your deck should reflect your brand's identity. Use your brand's color scheme, fonts, and logos consistently throughout the deck. This not only looks professional but also reinforces your brand in the minds of your audience.

Be mindful of color psychology and choose a palette that aligns with the mood and tone of your message.

Here's an example of a branded deck:

Branded deck example

5) Implement narrated design

Narrated design is a modern approach that mimics the natural way we consume digital content. Instead of clicking through slides, the audience scrolls down a continuous canvas.

This design is intuitive and allows for a storytelling flow that feels seamless and cohesive.

It's particularly effective for online presentations, where the audience can scroll through the content at their own pace, ensuring they absorb information in a comfortable and engaging manner.

Here's an example of narrated design:

Scroll-based design example

6) Balance text and imagery

A well-designed deck strikes a balance between text and imagery. Use high-quality images that complement and enhance your narrative.

Avoid overcrowding your slides with text; instead, use bullet points or short paragraphs. The imagery should serve to break the monotony of text, making your deck more visually appealing and easier to digest.

7) Use white space wisely

White space, or negative space, is a crucial design element. It's the space between text, images, and other elements on your slide.

Proper use of white space prevents your deck from looking cluttered and helps to focus the audience's attention on the most important elements. It makes your content more readable and gives your deck a clean, professional look.

8) Prioritize readability

Everything in your deck should be easy to read. This means choosing fonts that are clear and legible, even from a distance.

Be mindful of color contrasts; text should stand out against the background for easy reading. Remember, if your audience struggles to read your deck, they'll struggle to engage with your content.

Interactive proposal deck templates

The process of creating a proposal deck can be incredibly time-consuming, requiring not only a deep understanding of your content but also skills in design and interactivity.

It's a bit like building a house – you need a solid foundation, the right tools, and a clear plan.

Interactive proposal deck templates are like a well-equipped workshop, where the heavy lifting of structure and design has already been done for you. They bring a level of professionalism and polish that can be hard to achieve on your own.

Grab one and see for yourself.

No templates found
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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