Film Pitch Deck Examples That Stand Out (+Templates)

See examples of pitch decks for movies that impress producers and studio executives. Get customizable templates that give you ideas for your production.

Film pitch deck examples

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Short answer

What is a film pitch deck?

A film pitch deck is a concise, visually engaging presentation used by filmmakers to showcase their movie concept. It highlights key elements like storyline, characters, and visual style, aiming to persuade investors or studios to back the project.

What to include in a film pitch deck?

  1. Title slide: Introduce your film's name and logo to set the tone for the pitch.

  2. Logline: Provide a brief, powerful summary of your film's core idea, hinting at its story and themes.

  3. Executive summary: Outline the film's genre, format, and any unique selling points, offering a quick insight into what makes it special.

  4. Synopsis: Deliver a concise, engaging summary of the plot, capturing the narrative's key elements and emotional pull.

  5. Director's statement: Share the director’s vision and inspiration behind the project, explaining why this story matters and how it will resonate with audiences.

  6. Characters: Introduce main characters with detailed descriptions and visuals, making them intriguing and relatable.

  7. Visual style and tone: Describe the film's visual and tonal approach, showing how the cinematography, color palette, and atmosphere will enhance the narrative.

  8. Moodboard: Bring your vision to life. Use images or collages to showcase the film's aesthetic and emotional tone, giving a visual taste of what audiences can expect.

  9. Production plan and timeline: Outline the stages of production, including key milestones and a realistic timeline for bringing the film to fruition.

  10. Budget: Present an overview of the estimated costs, demonstrating careful planning and financial responsibility.

  11. Financing plan: Detail your funding strategy, highlighting how you'll secure and allocate resources to bring the project to life.

  12. Comparable films: Reference successful films with similar themes, genres, or styles to illustrate the marketability and appeal of your project.

  13. Target audience and market: Identify who the film is for, supported by market analysis to demonstrate its reach and commercial potential.

  14. Marketing and distribution plan: Outline your approach to promoting and distributing the film, including marketing tactics and potential platforms.

  15. Team: Introduce key team members, highlighting their roles and relevant experience to boost the project's credibility.

  16. Concept trailer: If available, include a short trailer to give a dynamic preview of the film's vision and atmosphere.

  17. Appendices: Provide any supplementary information, such as detailed budget breakdowns, a script, or a lookbook.

  18. Contact slide: Include contact details for further inquiries, making it easy for interested parties to reach out.

Each element of your pitch deck should tell a part of your film's story, from the creative vision to the practicalities of production and marketing.

Remember, a successful pitch deck for movies is more than a collection of slides; it's a compelling narrative that brings your film to life for potential investors and collaborators.

To have an easier time, perhaps consider a screenwriting software to write a screenplay before working on your film pitch deck.

Film pitch deck examples to learn (and steal) from

Let's explore some standout movie pitch deck examples that provide invaluable insights into what makes a screenplay pitch deck effective.

Similarly to a startup pitch deck, a film pitch deck rises above the noise through a strong story. But a film pitch deck relies more heavily on video and quality imagery to claw its way to the top of the pile.

Each of these examples is customizable and can be used as your template to create your movie pitch deck.

For a less inspirational and more structured approach, you can learn the ins and outs of making a film pitch deck in our practical guide that breaks it all down for you slide by slide.

Dragonhead (movie pitch one-pager)

This movie pitch deck is perfect as a one-pager when producers want a quick overview of your idea.

It covers everything studio execs need to get your vision, from the synopsis to detailed character breakdowns and even a cast wish list.

What I love most, though, is the concept trailer—a short video that instantly captures the director's vibe.

It's just a bit of a shame you can't play it right in the deck since it's stuck in a static PDF.

Tiny Killer (short film pitch deck)

Out of all the film pitch decks I've come across (and trust me, there have been a lot), this one is definitely up there as one of my favourites.

A lot of decks either overwhelm you with details or get too caught up in the plot, forgetting to explain why investors and producers should actually care. This one strikes the perfect balance.

It not only makes a strong case for why it's worth investing in but also goes further by highlighting the benefits for everyone involved in the production, broken down by their role and seniority.

I also love how it covers every part of the production process—from budget and production to distribution and promotion. They've even planned the public release dates to fit with the film's environmental message. This is how it should be done!

Where the Buffalo Roam

What I love about this movie pitch deck is how it really zeroes in on the business and financial side of pitching films.

Honestly, I've never seen such a solid investment strategy or a budget that accounts for every single dollar.

And the projections model? I don't think I've seen that in any other film pitch deck. It's a great source of inspiration if you want to include something like that in yours.

The only downside is that the static format makes some of those tiny numbers hard to read. But if you presented this as an interactive deck, that issue would be an easy fix.

Beneath the Remains

This feature film pitch deck is perfect if you're all about using visuals to bring your vision to life.

It's packed with images and moodboards for almost every part of the film, right down to specific houses for shooting locations. There's even a whole slide just for the music.

Along with the plot and character descriptions, it makes it so easy to grasp the film's premise. It really draws you in and leaves you wondering what happens next.

The only downside is that it skips the financial and technical slides, so you'd need to pull ideas from other decks to make it feel complete.

Ever Faithful

I chose this movie pitch deck because it's a perfect example of how to ask for music rights, not just pitch a film idea to producers.

I'm one of those people who cry every time there's even a hint of a sad story involving animals. So, just reading the logline and synopsis hit me right in the feels.

I love that it mentions the nonprofit beneficiary. Along with a solid distribution and outreach plan, it really makes a strong case for why someone should get on board with this project. I really hope Dolly Parton saw it and said yes!

Hunter's Creed

What I love about this film pitch deck is how it lays out all the details and backs up their choice of filming technique—the found footage genre—with a clear list of advantages.

It also does a great job justifying the project by highlighting its niche audience and then following up with a solid plan for production, distribution, and promotion.

The deck even lists the distributors and sales agents they're already in talks with and mentions the awards the script has won.

It really boosts confidence in the film's market potential and makes a strong case for getting this movie made.

Film production pitch deck

After going through all those static film pitch decks, as good as they were, this one instantly reminded me why interactive decks are just on another level.

It's the most comprehensive deck I've seen, yet it never feels like too much.

You've got 'Read more' buttons, tabs you can click through at your own pace, and slides where extra info unfolds as you scroll. It makes presenting your vision so much more engaging and easy to digest.

Film sponsorship pitch deck

What grabbed me right away with this film sponsorship pitch deck was the video on the cover slide. It gave me a feel for the film's mood, style, and tone before I even read a word of the pitch.

My favourite slide has to be the budget one. It doesn't just show the total budget; it breaks it down by each stage of production.

It goes even further with expandable sections, so you can see exactly where every dollar is going.

When you're applying for sponsorships, this kind of transparency can really set you apart.

To manage these financial aspects effectively, consider using a video production invoice template. This tool can help you keep track of your expenditures and ensure your project stays within budget.

Short film pitch deck

This film pitch deck is spot-on if you're trying to sell your short film to studio execs or producers.

I love how it sprinkles critic reviews throughout the deck to build confidence in the film's potential, highlighting what people liked most.

But the best part has to be the embedded video of a featured scene you can play right in the deck. It gives you a feel for the film's vibe and shows off your directorial skills in a way that words just can't.

Film investment pitch deck

This pitch deck for a movie is perfect if you want to back up your film project with solid target market research.

It includes dedicated slides that break down different market segments and compares your film to similar ones, proving its market potential.

I love the characters slide too, especially when you can include your dream cast along with their headshots. It really gives producers a clear picture of your vision and who you’ve got in mind for the roles.

Plus, it says a lot about your way of thinking—whether you’re aiming for actors who are completely out of your budget or keeping things more realistic.

Documentary movie pitch deck

I picked this movie pitch deck mainly because of how versatile it is.

It's designed with a slightly different use in mind—more like a press kit to give critics, journalists, or film festival organizers the key details about your film.

In just a few clicks, you can add tags like {{first_name}} to personalize it and make it feel tailor-made for each recipient.

Plus, if you add some financials or character overviews, you can easily repurpose it as a pitch deck to seek funding for a new project too.

Film pitch deck templates

Staring at a blank slide can be daunting, even for the most creative minds. So let our interactive film pitch deck templates lead the way.

These templates provide a solid foundation and were optimized based on real-world performance. They're completely customizable, allowing you to infuse your unique vision while maintaining an effective structure.

Grab one!

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Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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