What Is an EPK, Why You Need It, and How to Make It Count

Learn what are EPKs, why you need an EPK, and how to use them. Discover the best electronic press kit structure and get electronic press pack templates.

What is an EPK

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Short answer

What are EPKs?

An Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is a digital resume for artists, bundling key elements like biographies, music samples, high-quality photos, videos, press reviews, and contact information, all designed to quickly capture the attention of industry insiders and media.

Press release vs. EPK

A press release is a one-time announcement targeting media outlets, focusing on a specific event or news about an artist.

In contrast, an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) is a detailed, reusable digital portfolio showcasing an artist’s overall profile, including music, bio, photos, and contact info, designed to continuously engage industry insiders.

Press kit vs. Electronic press kit

A press kit is a physical packet containing printed materials like CDs, photos, and paper bios, sent to media and industry contacts.

On the other hand, an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) is a dynamic digital version, offering a comprehensive, accessible online profile that includes music, bios, photos, and videos.

The EPK's digital nature makes it easier to update and distribute, ensuring that artists can quickly share their latest projects and achievements with industry insiders and media globally.

NOTE: Are you looking for a different use case? Check out our related guides on how to create a DJ EPK and how to make a film press kit.

What does a good EPK look like?

A good Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is an interactive, web-based presentation packed with clickable galleries, embedded audio and video, and a responsive layout that looks great on any device.

This is a big step up from the static, clunky PDFs that were tough to navigate on mobile and limited to just linking out to external sites for multimedia.

Modern EPKs draw you in with their sleek design and engaging content, and smartly placed calls to action (CTAs) make it easy for you to take the next step, whether that's booking the artist or simply learning more about their work.

Example of a good EPK:

What to include in an Electronic Press Kit?

  1. Biography

  2. Music samples

  3. High-quality photos

  4. Videos

  5. Press coverage

  6. Upcoming gigs

  7. Contact information

  8. Social media links

  9. Press quotes

  10. Technical rider

  11. Next steps

For more information on each of these slides, check out our guide on how to create an EPK.

Where do I get the best EPK templates?

Creating an electronic press pack from the ground up can really eat into your time, and you can’t ensure it turns out just right.

Traditional static formats often fall short because they aren't optimized for modern digital use—meaning they don’t let you add those interactive elements like clickable links or embedded videos.

You can save yourself time and hassle by using interactive EPK templates. They’re built specifically with artists in mind, making it super easy to drop in rich media content that brings your music and story to life.

Just grab one.

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Why does an EPK matter?

  1. Showcasing your music and talent: An EPK serves as your digital portfolio, highlighting your best tracks and videos, which is essential for grabbing the attention of music industry professionals​​.

  2. Booking gigs: With a solid EPK, you can provide venues and booking agents with all they need to understand your music style, stage presence, and audience draw, making it easier to secure live performances​​​​.

  3. Media and press relations: EPKs equip journalists and bloggers with your music, high-quality photos, and detailed bios, facilitating more accurate and compelling coverage of your work​​​​.

  4. Attracting collaborators: Whether you're looking for a new band member, producer, or guest artist, an EPK can showcase your music and achievements, attracting like-minded creatives​​.

  5. Label and investor pitches: If you’re looking to get signed or need investment, an EPK can make a professional impression, demonstrating your music's marketability and your seriousness as an artist​​​​.

  6. Fan engagement: By integrating your EPK on your website, you provide fans a one-stop shop to explore everything about you, from your music to upcoming shows, which helps in building a stronger fan base​​.

  7. Diverse marketing uses: EPKs can be tailored for specific campaigns or promotions, like album launches or tours, providing targeted information and materials to support your marketing efforts​​​​.

How to create an EPK?

  1. Start with a compelling bio to hook readers

  2. Add password protection

  3. Include high-resolution images

  4. Curate your soundtrack carefully

  5. Show live performance videos

  6. Highlight your Unique Selling Points

  7. Present press mentions and achievements

  8. Regularly update with fresh content

  9. Link to your social media profiles

  10. End with a clear Call to Action

For more information on each of these steps, check out our detailed guide on how to create an EPK that lands gigs.

What is the best electronic press kit format?

Back in the day, EPKs were mostly PDFs stuffed with links, or maybe you’d even send a link to a Google Drive folder via email.

But times have changed, and standing out now means going for interactive formats that really make your EPK pop.

They let you add cool features like embedded playlists or videos, which can grab someone's attention way more than a static image or block of text.

Here’s an overview of the most popular formats:

Format Pros Cons
PDF - Super simple to distribute and works everywhere
- Great for content-heavy press kits
- It’s pretty static and can't be updated easily once it's out there
- Not optimized for mobile viewing
PPT - Good for mixing visuals with text
- Familiar format for many people to create and view
- Easier to edit than PDFs
- Limited interactivity
- Not ideal for short-form content like press kits
Website - You can update it anytime
- Looks super professional, and often includes options to set up a shop
- Takes more tech skills to set up
- May involve ongoing cost, e.g. website hosting and domain
Videos - Shows off your personality and style directly
- Instantly engaging for viewers
- Making a high-quality video can be pricey and time-consuming
- No option to edit or update - the best way is to create a new video
Storydoc - Makes your content pop with scrollable elements and interactive features
- Option to play videos directly from the deck or embed Spotify playlists
- Easy to personalize at scale
- Advanced analytics panel lets you easily measure deck performance
- There's a bit of a learning curve
- Not ideal if you need something printable
Dominika Krukowska

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

Engaging decks. Made easy

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