9 Scrollytelling Examples in Business (+ Templates)

Learn what is scrollytelling and get best practices for using it in sales, marketing, reports, pitch decks, donor communications, and investor relations.

Hadar Peretz

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Short answer

What is scrollytelling?

Scrollytelling is the fusion of scrolling and storytelling, creating an interactive content journey that leads readers through a narrative with just a simple scroll. It seamlessly combines text, images, videos, and animations into cohesive "scenes," where the content is both displayed and narrated.

Scrollytelling makes content more fun, more memorable, and more persuasive

Scrollytelling, also called Narrated Design, is not just a trend; it's here to stay. It offers a unique blend of storytelling and technology that can make your content stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

This design approach simplifies intricate content into manageable pieces, allowing readers to control the speed at which they consume information.

Research has shown that scrollytelling boosts engagement, comprehension, and retention.

By understanding its basics, recognizing its potential impact on your business, and learning from successful examples, you can elevate your content to world-class.

We'll dive into everything in a second, but first...

Let me show you what scrollytelling in business looks like:

(you can interact with the example)

Why do I need scrollytelling?

In the age of information overload, capturing your audience's attention is more challenging than ever. Modern reader are accustomed to consuming content through scrolling and have come to expect interactive experiences in their content.

If you don’t deliver great content, you will lose people’s attention and lose their business too.

Scrollytelling, though fun. Is not a game, it serves business information more than any other use case.

Because business information is many time hard to grasp and business decisions are hard to make - making no decision is often the easy choice.

Scrollytelling is the status quo killer. It makes it easy to understand your value through narrated interactive storytelling. With Scrollytelling you enable decision-makers to make their decisions, and even persuade others within their organization.

The cognitive science behind scrollytelling

Understanding the psychology behind why scrollytelling works can give you an edge. The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Scrollytelling taps into this by combining visuals and text, making the information more accessible and easier to remember.

How scrollytelling came to be a prime business communication tool

Scrollytelling has come a long way since its inception. Initially, it was a simple technique used to break the monotony of long articles, mainly in online news outlets.

Scrollytelling finally broke away from news articles and was put to business use when Itai Amoza, our company's Founder and CEO, was laying the groundwork for Storydoc.

He collaborated with Prof. Steven Franconeri, a globally renowned expert in data visualization, to incorporate methods into Storydoc that would minimize cognitive load, UX friction, and information clutter commonly found in business presentations.

As a result, business scrollytelling emerged as one of the solutions, leading to the development of specialized storytelling elements with animation and annotation, as shown in the example below.

Today, it scrollytelling has evolved into a full-fledged storytelling medium that leverages the latest technologies like 3D graphics, real-time data visualization, and integrations of an arsenal of SaaS products that enhance the interactive experience.

The fundamental components of scrollytelling

  1. Data: This is the factual backbone of your story. Whether it's statistics, historical events, or scientific facts, data adds credibility to your narrative.

  2. Audience: Knowing your audience is crucial. Are you targeting millennials, professionals, or perhaps a more general audience? Tailoring your content to your audience's preferences can make or break your story.

  3. Message: This is the core idea or theme you want to convey. It's the takeaway that you want your audience to remember long after they've left your page.

Scrollytelling best practices

Creating a compelling scrollytelling piece isn't just about throwing together some text and images. It requires careful planning and design.

  • Use high-quality images and videos to support your narrative

  • Know your audience and tailor the content to their needs

  • Keep the message clear and focused

  • Use visual elements to break up long blocks of text

  • Choose visuals that complement the story, not distract from it

  • Use colors and shapes that evoke the desired emotions

  • Focus on one part of your data at a time

  • Plan your content structure in advance

  • Test different design elements to see what resonates with your audience

  • Optimize your images and videos to reduce load times

  • Make sure your scrollytelling piece is mobile-responsive

Scrollytelling use cases in business

Scrollytelling isn't just for journalists or content creators; it's a versatile tool that can be applied across various business documents.

Here’s how innovative companies are using scrollytelling in their business communications.

Scrollytelling as a branding tool

Branding is all about storytelling, and scrollytelling can take your brand's story to the next level.

By using interactive elements, visuals, and a compelling narrative, you can create a memorable brand experience that resonates with your audience.

You can use scrollytelling to showcase your brand's history, values, and mission.

Here's an example of a company scrollytelling presentation:

Enhancing engagement

Customer engagement is key to driving sales. Scrollytelling can make your content more interactive, keeping your audience engaged longer, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Storydoc clients engage their audiences using our selection of storytelling slides, such as interactive charts, tabs, sliders, calculators, chat, and other inputs.

Our data also shows that adding a final slide with an interactive call-to-action can significantly improve conversion rates.

Here’s an example of a sales deck with a final “next steps” slide with a calendar app that let’s readers instantly book a meeting.

Product showcases and tutorials

Scrollytelling can be an effective way to showcase your products or services. You can use it to highlight key features, show how the product works, and even provide tutorials that guide the user through various functionalities.

Data-driven storytelling

Data can be a powerful tool in sales and marketing and business communications like reporting.

These usually include complex information that needs to be presented in a way that's easy to understand and easy to remember.

Scrollytelling can help you turn complex data into engaging stories, making it easier for your audience to see the value in your information, activity, product, or service.

It does this by giving your readers interactive graphs and charts so they can play around and poke at your data.

It also breaks down complex processes, mechanisms, financials, and other complicated information into bite-sized, scrollable sections, like chapters in a book.

Here's an example of a scrollytelling report make with Storydoc:

Scrollytelling examples in business (with usable templates)

By incorporating scrollytelling into your sales and marketing strategies, you can create more engaging, interactive, and effective campaigns, that make complex information more accessible, enables decision-making, and drive action.

Whether you're pitching to investors, presenting to prospective clients, or reporting to stakeholders, scrollytelling can help you communicate more effectively.

Let's take a look at some real-world scrollytelling examples.

Scrollytelling in pitch decks

A product or service pitch deck is often the first impression potential investors get of your business plan. Scrollytelling can help you make you stand out, enable better decision-making, and make your decks more memorable.

Scrollytelling pitch decks made with Storydoc were reported by our clients to increase your chances of getting funded.

You may want to consider using interactive elements to demonstrate your product's features and benefits.

You can also break complex data into digestible chunks, show live graphs investors can play with, and incorporate real-time data to show market demand or customer satisfaction as it comes in.

Here's an example of a scrollytelling pitch deck:

Scrollytelling in sales decks

Sales decks are used to present your product or service to prospective clients. Scrollytelling can make these presentations more interactive and engaging, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

You can use scrollytelling to walk the client through a day in the life of a user, demonstrating how your product or service solves specific problems.

You could also incorporate video testimonials or case studies as scrollable stories within the deck.

Here's an example:

Scrollytelling in sales proposals

A sales proposal is a formal document that outlines how your company can solve a potential client's problem. Scrollytelling can make these proposals more engaging and easier to navigate.

You can enhance your proposals by using interactive charts to present different pricing models or packages. You can also include a scrollable timeline to outline the implementation process.

Scrollytelling in business reports

Business reports often contain a wealth of information that can be overwhelming. Scrollytelling can make these reports more user-friendly, allowing readers to easily find the information they're looking for.

You can make memorable reports with scrollytelling by presenting quarterly or annual data in a more interactive format. You can also include a scrollable index or table of contents for easier navigation.

Here's a scrollytelling report by Meta:

Strategies and methods for making the most of scrollytelling

By employing the strategies included below, you not only make your content more engaging but also demonstrate that you're truly invested in making a meaningful impact in your audience's lives and business circumstances.

1) Amplify your core message with visuals

Your visual elements should not only complement your text but also emphasize your primary message and objectives. They should act as pillars that bolster your key points, aiding your audience in grasping your message more effectively.

2) Connect with your target audience

The most impactful visuals are those that strike a chord with your intended audience. They should mirror the audience's experiences and associations.

Using imagery and designs that your audience can relate to can heighten their engagement and make your narrative more unforgettable.

3) Showcase your product, results, and happy clients

Whenever feasible, employ visuals to present your product, outline its benefits, and portray your client base. This can dispel uncertainties and misconceptions by allowing your audience to see what words may not adequately convey.

4) Stick to your branding standards

Your presentation is a reflection of your brand identity; therefore, your visuals should be in line with your brand's guidelines.

Uniformity in color schemes, typography, and design elements not only boosts brand recall but also lends a unified, professional appearance to your presentation.

5) Encourage two-way communication

Lastly, encourage interaction, whether through a chatbot or an option to schedule further discussions. This not only helps to clear up any ambiguities but also fosters engagement and enhances comprehension.

For instance, concluding your presentation with an interactive scheduling feature instead of a generic "Thank You" slide has been shown in our data to increase conversion rates by 27%.

6) Personalize your content

Imagine going to an event where the host can't even recall your name. Not very welcoming, is it? The same principle applies to presentations.

In a world filled with spam and generic content, personalization can serve as a beacon that fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

It's also the most crucial factor in retaining audience attention. Our data shows that personalized presentations are 68% more likely to be read in their entirety than non-personalized ones.

So, how can you infuse a personal touch?

  1. Acknowledge your audience by name

  2. Feature their corporate logo:

  3. Include a personalized message (video would be best)

  4. Personalize your Call-to-Action

Scrollytelling templates for business documents

You shouldn’t work hard to bring your business stories to life. And as luck would have it, you don’t have to.

Below we brought you a broad gallery of templates for making easy scrollytelling experiences for any business document you want to make, whether it’s a sales deck, marketing one-pager, pitch deck, or report, you can find it here.

All the templates you have below are tried and tested for every device, and built based on real-world feedback data. These interactive scrollytelling templates were built for engagement, memorability, and conversion.

Grab one!

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Hadar Peretz

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talkig to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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