17 Sales Deck Examples That Sell & Why (+Templates)

Learn to outsell competitors with great sales deck examples for B2B, SaaS, SMBs, and more. Learn what makes a great selling deck, and grab a template.

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Short answer

What is a sales deck?

A sales deck is a slide deck used in a sales presentation. It is a visual aid used during virtual sales meetings to demo a product or pitch a service. Effective sales decks include a description of a problem experienced by the prospect and your unique solution to that problem.

Real sales deck examples that moved the needle

All of the sales deck examples brought here were made for real sales teams in competitive companies. They are modern scroll-based interactive slide decks.

f you wanna win, drive more bookings, and close more deals, I suggest you learn from these examples how effective sales content is done in our day and age.

If you’re looking for specific step-by-step instructions go see our guide on how to create a sales deck.

NOTE: All the examples on my list are interactive presentations made with Storydoc.

Bringing you PPT sales deck examples would be giving you bad advice because everybody hates PowerPoint.

The “16:9 frame with bullet points” format was meant for a slide machine, not for web browsing. It’s a 40-year-old legacy technology. And it feels like it.

If you’re locked on using PowerPoint you can ditch right here. There are none on my list.

Best sales deck ever - Zuora

The Zuora sales deck considered to be the best sales deck ever became famous because of its content structured around a transformational narrative.

This deck draws a historic evolution from a product economy to a subscription economy.

The entire deck creates a contrast between past and future, what used to work doesn't work anymore, and what will replace it going forward.

Zuora's deck does a great job of defining winners who embrace their solution, and losers who fail to change and stay behind.

SaaS sales one-pager - Gong

The Gong sales one-pager does a great job at selling a relatively new and hard-to-explain service and concept, namely, “Revenue intelligence”.

What I like most about this deck (and which makes it so effective) is how direct, simple, and crisp the content is. Gong are famous for their sharp copy, but seeing it in practice in their sales deck was a humbling experience.

The deck dives straight into how Gong works, and the tool’s key benefits, then backs it up with a video testimonial and some impressive results from past clients.

And it’s done with few words, simple words, but words loaded with meaning.

B2B sales deck - Udemy

This personalized sales deck for Udemy’s business B2B division uses dynamic variables (like those used in email automation) to populate the deck with a specific prospect’s information.

Then the information can be pulled into their Storydoc directly from their CRM so they can send out any number of personalized sales decks at a time.

In terms of content, this deck took an interesting approach to the Problem-Solution framework. It switched the order, starting with the benefits first, then defining the problem, then outcomes, and the solution details last. I like it.

Enterprise sales pitch deck - cprime

cprime is a tech consulting company that serves enterprise companies. Their sales deck is an amazing example of how complex information can be delivered in easy-to-follow bite-size chunks.

They do a beautiful visual breakdown of their Agile product methodology and a sample roadmap of a consultancy project. They highlight one part of the complex process at a time and introduce it with short supporting text.

The deck starts strong with social proof, saying they have 50+ Fortune 100 clients, and 250+

Fortune 500 Clients. I would start with this too if I had these numbers. My god

The deck title is its weakest point. It’s rather general and vague. I would play on their strong suit with something like: “The Tech Consulting Company for Fortune 500”

Personalized sales prospecting deck - Wisestamp

WiseStamps sales deck example showcases personalization at a high level. It goes beyond the basic prospect's name and company. What they did in this deck is rather amazing.

Being a company email signature management software they embedded a live sample signature in their deck. In a creative move, they personalized the live sample to the prospect using dynamic variables.

They populated the signature text fields and image with the prospect’s contact info from their CRM.

Now they can send the buyer a deck with a ready-made signature. And they can do it for thousands of prospects with a click.

Here's how sales deck personalization at scale works:

sales deck personalization

Prospecting sales one-pager - RFKeeper

This sales prospecting deck is a very nice example of a deck that does not rely on a human presenter to communicate value effectively. Which makes it very effective for prospecting.

The deck follows the classic problem-solution content format but ties it all together with high-quality design and copy. Specifically, the way they narrate the details of their solution with beautiful scrollytelling.

They also applied a creative approach to tab design in their “What do you want to do next” section. Try it and see what I mean.

Technology sales prospecting deck - NetApp

Selling something as technologically complicated as a cloud solution is not easy. But that’s why I love this prospecting deck example.

It applies the problem-solution content outline really well and makes a complicated thing easy to understand.

The deck quickly explains the problem and goes on to say why this product solves it particularly well. Even the “how it works” section uses the minimal amount of tech jargon needed and keeps the message focused on outcomes rather than specs and features.

The deck finishes with a next step leasing to a full video demo of the service. It’s a good choice given the long sales cycle for this type of technology

Follow-up sales deck - Storydoc

The Storydoc sales team obviously uses Storydoc for all our sales collateral. And we use all the magic tricks our tool can do.

This is a deck we use to follow up on the first discovery call with a prospect. It is one step before the sales proposal. This deck normally includes a pricing offer but I had to remove it to make the deck public.

What makes this deck so effective is its extensive personalization (which is automatically taken from our CRM).

It includes everything from the prospect’s name, company, logo, and image, through the niche-relevant cover slide video, the image of the sender, and their calendar link, all the way to the specific concerns brought up in the disco call and the tailored pricing plan.

Product demo deck - Travel Booster

This example is the first full-length sales deck on the list. This deck was meant to demo the product on its own, without needing an AE or an SDR to give the presentation in person.

This example starts off by giving context - “who we are”, the challenges the tool solves, what makes it unique, moves on to features and benefits, and closes with social proof and a CTA to book a demo with a sales rep.

Based on Storydoc’s deck analytics and what parts of the deck the prospect engaged with an adapted (more relevant) deck can be used in the sales demo with an AE.

This deck is too long for my liking, but since it was tested and iterated I can assume it worked.

Product demo one-pager - Yotpo

This example is a very well-done demo deck with no excess information. It gives a short overview and then jumps into proving that the tool’s contribution to revenue can be easily measured.

The rest of the deck is a narrated flow of outcomes and benefits, with the product features shown beside the texts as supporting visuals.

It’s a great example of a deck that shows rather than tells how it works and where its value lies.

3d product design sales deck - CGTrader

I added this example to the list because it makes highly valuable use of Storydoc’s interactive capabilities.

Since CGTrader makes 2D images into 3D, it relies on interactive content to demonstrate its product. And since anything can be embedded in a Storydoc, they placed a showroom right in the deck (go play with it).

A prospect can now see exactly what their service can do. The Wow effect is significant.

Agency sales one-pager - Bejamas

This example by Bejamas, a web development agency, takes the classic dull 16:9 agency pitch deck and turns it into an interactive story.

For a web development company to decide to use Storydoc for their sales decks says a lot.

Unlike other agencies that use static content that burdens their decks with too many slides, Bejamas can say more with less by mixing in videos, animations, and dynamic content (like tabs) into their design.

Business storytelling sales deck - Ambition

This example is on the list because of its great storytelling. I’ve seen better design, and more impressive stats, but the way they structure their deck around a narrative is masterful.

Ambition’s deck breakdown of the problem through the prospect’s eyes, using their words, thoughts, and concerns.

They answer the unvoiced questions the prospect will want answer for like: do I really need this? Will this work for me? How do I integrate this into my sales stack? And what results can I expect?

SMB storytelling sales deck - mign

This is another example of great storytelling. Unlike the previous example, this time it’s the visual storytelling I want to focus on.

This deck was made by a small business, and the result is impressive.

Though the design could be finer, the way they use videos, animations, and scrollytelling to showcase their solution rather than talk about it is outstanding.

You can’t read this deck and not understand what it is they do. But had they tried to explain personalized backbone bracing with PowerPoint, I don’t think you’d get it at all.

Partnership sales deck with data visualization - Viber by Rakuten

I chose to add this partnership sales deck even though it’s stripped down from specific numbers to protect private information.

The reason I thought you might like to see this deck is because it uses data visualization as part of its pitch to partners.

The deck makes a visual business case for partnering up, on the get-go, and only then continues to drill down into the partnership details.

Company intro deck - Huma

This is an example of a company overview deck used to introduce a healthcare company to potential clients, partners, or investors.

It’s beautifully designed and elegantly explains everything about the business, its product, and its users.

By the end of this deck, you have a solid idea of what the company is about, and whether you want to learn more.

Long-form sales deck - Healthy.io

This is a strange one. Normally sales decks are not so text-heavy. But Healthy.io works with heavy hitters in the healthcare industry like the UK’s NHS.

This means that they rely on a champion to push their solution internally to multiple decision-makers. And so, they need to provide their champion with a lot of information.

This long-form approach seems to have been working for them to help educate their champions and arm them with the arguments for implementing healthy.io’s services. If you have a similar situation this could work for you too.

Grab a sales deck template

I have some sales deck samples for you that apply the content structure I gave you above.

All these sales deck templates were built to sell effectively based on more than 100,000 (anonymous) sales deck sessions we’ve collected and analyzed. Our clients have used these to get upward of a 70% uplift in demo bookings.

You don’t have to understand why they work, they just do. Grab one.

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Why most sales decks don’t sell?

The sales decks we use in prospecting and during sales calls must effectively drive the sales process forward or they’ll just waste time and opportunities.

But most sales decks are bad. They fail to stand out, fail to persuade, and fail to drive action.

Why do sales deck fail?

  1. We make decks that look like all the rest
  2. We settle for superficial personalization (“hello {{name}}”)
  3. We list features and specs instead of telling a story
  4. We make it too demanding to take the next step

How some sales decks make it rain?

Making a sales deck that gets prospects to book a call or commit to evaluating your product is very hard to do. But some smart salespeople do it.

What’s their secret?

  1. They build decks that stand out by looking differently than all the rest
  2. They build their decks around a transformational narrative (before and after your solution) with winners and losers
  3. They drive action by making it as simple as possible for prospects to take the next step (practically and psychologically)

What types of sale decks are used in the sales process?

Sales decks that push the sales process forward must be competitive. These are typically decks used with prospective clients as opposed to internal decks we use with our team, like a kickoff agenda or a sales playbook.

  • Sales pitch deck - This is used by SDRs and AEs for sales prospecting as part of a cold email or social media (LinkedIn) DM.
  • Sales one-pager - This is a short sales pitch deck used in prospecting as part of email outreach or as a post-sales-call deck with a recap of the meeting and takeaways.
  • Sales demo deck - This is a presentation used as a visual aid during a sales call to demo a product or service.
  • Sales proposal - This is a deck used at the late stages of the sales process to detail the proposal for a particular buyer including deliverables, costs, timelines, and sometimes terms and conditions and an e-signature box.

Why PowerPoint sales decks will fail you every time

Everybody is creating their sales pitch presentation as PowerPoints. If everyone is doing it then it must be the right thing to do right?

No. It just means you’re exactly like everybody else. It just leads to yet another sales deck like buyers have seen a million times before.

PowerPoint is a blunt instrument for business storytelling. It’s a 35-year-old technology that was meant for slide-projectors.

It limmits you to a 16:9 canvas which you then fill with bullet points and a few static visuals.

You can make a PowerPoint as pretty as you want, but the result will still be the same - bored, disengaged prospects.

Why? Because beauty is the bare minimum that buyers expect. And beyond the pretty design PPT sales decks are still static, dull, and unengaging.

You need something more to stand out and reengage prospects. You need to go from static to interactive.

Here’s what the difference between static and interactive looks like:

(Which would you rather read?)

Static PowerPoint or PDF
Interactive Storydoc
Amotz Harari, Head of Marketing

As the Head of Marketing, I lead Storydoc’s team of highly trained content-ops warriors fighting to eradicate Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it resides. My mission is to enable buyer decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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