21 Startup Pitch Deck Examples That Work in 2024 & Why

Get the best investor pitch deck examples and learn what to include in a pitch presentations from successful fundraising decks that VCs and angels couldn’t resist.

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Short answer

What do all successful pitch decks have in common?

6 things successful startup pitch decks have in common:

  1. They showcase a market gap
  2. They present a unique solution
  3. They include a synergetic and capable team
  4. They outline a solid business model
  5. They deliver impressive (realistic) financial projections
  6. They wrap it all up in a "before-and-after" narrative with the startup as the disruptive force behind the change

Why do most pitch decks fail?

99% of startup decks fail to secure funding. But that doesn’t have to be you.

Most founders make bad pitch presentations because they fail to communicate critical information investors need to qualify them. Which means they are automatically disqualified.

If you look at the best pitch decks (those that managed to get noticed and get funded), they all use a similar content structure.

It’s the same pitch deck template advised as a winning outline by Y Combinator and Sequoia Capital.

Don’t invent the wheel. Just learn from other’s successes and failures.

Let me show you some enviable pitch deck examples, and see why they worked so well.

Let’s go!

21 Successful pitch deck examples to learn from

It’s a basic fact that some pitch deck presentations work better than others.

But why?

I’m not gonna go into how to make a winning pitch deck here, but here’s the jist According to Naval Ravikant, Angellist co-founder and former CEO.

A fundable pitch deck showcases a fundable startup. To do this you need to demonstrate that you have 3 critical things 100% of investors are looking for: (1) exceptional team, (2) exceptional product, and (3) exceptional traction.

All the examples I’ll bring you here do this. Learn from them and make the adaptations to your own startup pitch.

NOTE: the deck presentations on this page are remakes of the original decks, using the orignial content but made interactive with Storydoc.

The originals would look quite old to you by now, and these interactive versions would most likely work better. Our data backs this up every day.

Airbnb startup pitch presentation

The Airbnb pitch deck is almost the perfect pitch deck in my opinion (that’s why it’s number 1 on the list). And now that we gave it an interactive remake I think it’s perfected.

This investor deck example covers everything an investor would need to want to get in on it.

The deck showcases a great product, market size and opportunity, business model, traction, competitors and competitive advantage, a serious team, financials, and even user testimonials.

It presents a broad (and universally felt) problem in simple terms, it presents the solution just as simply. And I love how it shows how the product is used in action in such simplicity. Makes it seem effortless.

Uber funding pitch deck

The Uber pitch deck example does everything right.

It grasps the transformation it promised to do in just 4 words “Next-Generation Car Service” (though I would replace “car” with “transportation”). It has a clear and crisp description of the problem in a single paragraph.

It outlines a massive market that they mean to disrupt. They present an evolving 4-stage revenue model far into the future (Uber Cab > Uber Driver > Uber Delivery > Uber Pay), and they present amazing traction.

No wonder Uber was so successful at raising money.

Netflix startup deck

Netflix had a great idea but they also weaved it into a great problem-solution narrative pitch deck. The problem? Outdated entertainment distribution. The solution? Streamed entertainment that’s accessible, personalized, and ad-free.

The Netflix pitch deck example also uses their team to “sell” their dream by playing on Netflix’s strong company culture.

This pitch deck could have been slightly better if it had a comprehensive outline of the market gap.

Tinder pitch presentation

Tinder's pitch deck is a masterclass in simplicity.

Starting from their title: “The dating game: it starts with a swipe”. Which wasn’t true at the time but is now (like it or not) the new normal.

And down to their summary of the user flow: “Match. Chat. Date.”

Simple, yet super clear.

Tinder’s deck is also one of the most fun decks I’ve ever seen. I’ve breezed through it maybe a dozen times but still, it gets me excited about the app every time.

WeWork startup pitch deck

The WeWork pitch deck example is probably the most famous on this list. What makes it so great (beyond its fundraising success) is that it managed to sell a great vision.

WeWork’s deck is all about its grand vision - “Empowering Tomorrow's World at Work”.

They only topped it off with a bit of promising financials to quiet an uneasy investor’s mind.

After all, WeWork managed to sell a low-return real estate company as a fast-growing high-tech solution.

Slack company intro deck

Slack’s startup company intro deck uses a transformational narrative framework to take potential investors from Slack’s history to Slack’s future and tempt investors to join the journey.

The snappy and descriptive title for the deck and company - “Collaboration platform for 21st century” encapsulates this contrast between past and future.

It’s a beautiful piece of copywriting.

The transformational narrative sets the stage for winners (who embrace the change Slack represents) and losers who stay behind.

This plays on an investor’s biggest fear - missing a great opportunity and staying behind.

Dropbox pitch deck

The DropBox pitch deck is another example of a very well-made pitch deck. So it’s no surprise they were backed by Sequoia.

They did great work in applying Sequoia’s pitch deck template with an emphasis on “why now?” and “why you?”.

But they did even better. The deck includes a crisp and simple breakdown of the problem and their groundbreaking solution, and an attractive product demo.

If I may say so, I think we improved the deck by turning bullet points into dynamic content and adding their amusing and tempting video in their “about us” slide.

Tesla investor deck

The Tesla pitch deck is unique on this list because of its emphasis on the team and product specifications rather than the “big idea”.

The reason for this is that Tesla did not invent the wheel (or the car rather). Their success relies on their technological superiority in the automotive industry rather than a completely new solution.

Tesla’s deck focuses on showing a strong team with Elon Musk at the helm, a growing engineering corp, a growing client base, and the technical specifications and features that ensure Tesla will win the race (pun intended).

YouTube product pitch deck

The YouTube pitch deck is a classic winning startup deck. It has all 6 aspects that make a pitch deck fundable (which we’ve covered above). But it does it effortlessly, without fuss.

YouTube’s investor deck introduces the problem they solve in the context of an emerging market gap (“why now?”). They also position themselves as the first solution to market and have amazing traction stats to back it up.

It just immediately looks like a great opportunity, and it was.

Y Combinator seed deck template

The Y Combinator pitch deck example is not really a pitch deck but rather a mock seed deck that follows the content template recommended by YC.

The guys at YC had some fun with it and filled the deck with sarcastic comments and ridiculous emojis.

It’s a top-notch example of content structure, but I wouldn’t recommend emulating the playful (borderline mocking) tone of voice or the reckless use of emojis.

Sequoia pitch deck template

The Sequoia pitch deck example, much like the Y Combinator example is not a real pitch deck. It’s Sequoia Capital’s pitch deck template which they advise startups to use when they pitch their idea in their Sequoia application.

Sequoia’s deck includes their signature slide “why now” which some of the other decks on our list apply. But also has another important slide “the ask”, where you’re supposed to ask how much money you need and how you intend to put it to good use.

This particular pitch deck is for the healthcare industry, but the template can be used cross-industry.

Adunify AdTech investment deck

This deck by Adunify is a powerful example of how a small up-and-coming startup can use the winning content framework to look like an exciting game-changer.

Adunify built their deck along the transformational narrative framework. This lets them present a dry (though innovative) marketing solution as a tool for changing users’ lives for the better.

They start with the vision and go through the established problem-solution presentation and market analysis, but throw in proven results, customer testimonials, and their manifesto as reinforcement.

Cannasoft medical cannabis pitch deck

The Cannasoft startup investor deck was built with interactive storytelling in mind by a Storydoc client.

It pitches Cannasoft as the CRM Platform for the Medical Cannabis Market and demonstrates why they are positioned to become the industry standard.

The deck makes full use of Storydoc’s scrollytelling capabilities which breaks down complex information into simple and easy-to-understand bite-size morsels.

Just take a look at how they present their market fit, roadmap, product advantages, and financial forecast. Pure storytelling gold.

Crypto pitch deck

This blockchain technology startup pitch deck is a made-up template based on some of our best-performing client crypto pitch decks.

The structure follows the winning formula as all the rest and the beautiful designs were generated or selected by our AI design engine.

Physical product pitch deck

Pitching a physical product is harder than pitching a SaaS product.

Most products of this kind have established alternatives so it’s very important to give some technical explanation of how you’re doing it better.

But the most important aspect here is showing your product rather than telling investors about it.

People find it easier to understand objects through seeing and (better yet) touching them.

This physical product pitch deck was designed to help you demonstrate your product visually in with high-resolution videos and images.

You can go here to check out more product presentation templates.

VC deck

This VC pitch deck example follows the optimal structure and narrative approach you should use when pitching a VC.

It was built and perfected based on feedback from our clients, our platform’s engagement data, and input from VCs.

I recommend this VC pitch deck template to use in your next round, unless you’re pitching Sequoia, in which case we have a specific template for that.

AI technology investment deck

This pitch deck for AI technology grabbed my attention because it takes a no-image approach to design.

It’s very easy to fall into cliches when making a deck about AI, with visuals of astronauts, robots, or magic wands. But you can be sure every other AI presentation does the same thing.

That’s why no-image will seem to investors like a breath of fresh air, and would likely make you stand out.

But most importantly, this deck gives you the winning content framework to present your complex technology in a flowing, easy-to-follow interactive narrative that investors won’t get bored of mid-way.

Start-up business plan

This pitch presentation example is useful during your 3rd meeting with VCs, after you’ve introduced your company and your big idea.

This deck takes what you covered in the subsequent intro deck and product deck and goes deeper into the plan with more detailed growth strategy, product roadmap, and projections.

One of the nicest additions this deck introduces is personalization. Since you know who the reader is by this point, you can address them by name with a personal message.

Startup company overview presentation

This example pitch deck is great for more established startups that have some clients and traction to show for.

It’s meant to be used for corporate partnerships, series B and C investment rounds, or with investors who are already acquainted with the company.

The deck provides solid numbers of the company's activity, traction, and customer feedback.

Startup executive summary one-pager

This executive summary example is exactly what it sounds like - a summary of the points covered in your investor pitch deck.

This deck is used after your meeting with Angel investors, VC, or private equity to briefly recap what you presented in your pitch deck.

You should make adaptations to your startup executive summary so that it includes the information and covers the issues that investors were most interested in during your pitch presentation.

We also have executive summary slide templates if you want to take a look...

Post-round investor newsletter by Xtend

I thought that ending the list with this example would be poetic since this startup deck is a post-round newsletter to investors.

The point of this deck is to communicate the contribution of investor’s backing to the success of the company.

This deck does 2 things really well:

First, it gives voice to the startup leaders to speak directly to investors about the impact their money has made, thereby deepening their connection to the company and making future investments more plausible.

Second, the deck gives shape and form to the cutting-edge physical product the startup produced, which makes its success feel more tangible than words, numbers, and graphs.

Pitch deck templates that get you noticed

If you’re itching to get to work grab one of our customizable pitch deck samples.

All our templates apply the principles and best practices learned from the successful investor deck examples on this page and over 100,000 pitch deck reading sessions on Storydoc.

You don’t have to know why they work, just be happy they do.

Grab one.

Amotz Harari, Head of Marketing

I lead Storydoc's team of marketing gentlemen and women dedicated to eradicating Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it lurks. Our mission is to enable decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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