Interactive Pitch Deck Templates to Stand Out & Get Funded

Succeed where 99% fail with templates that get you funded. Use interactive themes and slides investors love, and go from boring PowerPoint to a captivating Storydocs.

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What makes a great pitch deck template?

A great pitch deck template covers your big idea within a story framework. It should talk your investors through the motions of introducing a major problem, offering a solution that only you can provide, and finishing with a description of a brave new world your solution brings.

Read more about what the best pitch deck format includes.

If you want to create a great pitch deck it demands that you tell your story in an interactive way, with video, live graphs, and other dynamic content that breaks down complex information into digestible and engaging bits.

This is where Storydoc templates come in and take you beyond PPTs, from boring static slides to captivating scroll-based narratives.

Why you need an effective business pitch deck template?

If your business pitch falls short, that deal or VC investment isn’t happening. It sounds cruel, but it’s true. That's why a pitch deck is so important . It's perhaps, the most important document you’ll create for that investment round or that key client.

How these pitch deck templates go beyond any PowerPoint?

1) PowerPoint pitch deck templates are a blunt instrument. They are static, boring, and horrifyingly complex to digest. To stand out you’ll need a web-based pitch deck template that’s responsive and scroll-based, meaning it can be consumed on any device, any time, anywhere.

2) Stroydoc templates are interactive, memorable, and easy to follow. They mix multimedia like video, Gifs, and audio to let you reduce textual load. They apply dynamic storytelling components that let you break down complex concepts into easy-to-grasp bite-size morsels.

3) Forget death by PowerPoint, Storydoc will have your investors reading and actually enjoying it. You’ll stand out simply by providing investors with an experience instead of another task.

If you wanna see it in action go check out a few great pitch deck examples you can lean from in order to succeed.

A good business pitch deck template is hard to come by

It’s hard to find a well-designed business pitch template online. Most repositories are filled with run-of-the-mill themes that hardly look any better than those in-built templates from PowerPoint. And hiring a design agency to create a business pitch template just for you takes too much time and effort.

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