Business Plan Presentations Templates That Get Buy-in

See business plan templates that take you from static dull PowerPoints to interactive visual stories that engage your readers and make you stand out.

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What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?

With your same-old PowerPoint business plan design, you’ll never stand out, let alone engage.

Decision-makers and investors have seen beautiful business plan PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before. Though pretty, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.

Storydoc’s interactive business plan slide design brings your content to life with animation, annotation, and narration that tell a story, not just present information.

Main types of business plan template

1) General business plan template
A general business template fits any business that wishes to present a clear, compelling, and highly-engaging business plan presentation for external or internal stakeholders. It covers your company, product/service, as well as your future objectives, success metrics, market cap, financial summary, and more.

2) Business plan one-pager
A one-page business plan presentation template covers the same topics as your regular business plan, such as your company, product or services, market, positioning, and growth plan but does so in a much more concise and to-the-point format.

3) Strategic business plan
A strategic business plan template covers your business strategy in a crisp, intriguing, and easy-to-follow storytelling format. It covers your business strategy, key success factors, financials, and past achievements, as well as showcases your marketing and growth strategy.

4) Startup business plan template
A startup business plan presentation template leverages interactive content and visual storytelling to make you stand out. It covers your big idea, the problem you solve, your solution, your market analysis, positioning, financials, go-to-market strategy, and roadmap.

Why use a Storydoc template instead of paying a design agency?

  1. Stroydocs are 2x more engaging than a typical agency-made business plan presentation
  2. Our templates cost a fraction of the price you pay an agency.
  3. With Storydoc you can produce content about 5x faster than using the legacy design approach.

What makes a good business plan presentation?

A good business plan presentation is clear, concise, and persuasive. It should also have a clear structure of hook, problem, solution, and how it will change people’s lives for the better.

  • The hook slide should be compelling enough to capture the attention of the prospective investor or stakeholder and make them want to read further.
  • The problem slide should talk about what acute pain your solution is attempting to solve.
  • The solution slide details what you are offering that will solve this problem.
  • The positioning slide explains what makes your solution unique and different from others in your market segment.
  • The go-to-market slide covers how you plan to get your company to grow and succeed in its market segment.

How these templates take you beyond what any PowerPoint ever could

Our templates are interactive web-based scroll-based presentations that are naturally easy to follow and engaging to consume. They allow you to stop sending out static and dull PowerPoints or PDFs and deliver captivating storytelling experiences instead.

Stop giving your readers daunting reading tasks and get them engaged from the start with interactive content that pulls them in.

Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best business plan to date

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