Grab a movie press kit template for cost-effective engaging content. Impress sponsors with interactive film EPK examples that go beyond PPT, PDF, or Word.
What makes Storydoc better than PowerPoint or PDF?
With your same-old PowerPoint film press kit design, you’ll never stand out or engage.
directors and potential sponsors have seen beautiful film press kit PPTs and PDFs a thousand times before.
Though visually appealing, they’re still static, dull, and hard to understand.
What is the goal of a film press kit?
The goal of a film press kit is to provide journalists, media outlets, and festival organizers with all the essential information about a film.
It helps generate buzz, secure media coverage, and attract potential investors or distributors by showcasing the film's unique value.
What should a film press kit template include?
Why use a Storydoc template instead of paying a design agency?
What makes a good film press kit design?
What are the main types of film press kits?
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