Interactive title slide templates that hook attention

Take and use free title slide templates for modern professionals. Grab people's attention with an interactive rather than static PowerPoint title slide.

title slide templates

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Interactive title slide template - CTA - Book a meeting
Title slide with video grid
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Title slide design with video grid
Title slide - Video on side
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Title and content slide with video
Title slide - Video background
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Title slide template- Video on side
Title slide with video
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Title slide - 2 buttons CTA - Video background
Title slide - Video background
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What is a title slide template?

A presentation title slide template is the opening cover slide of a presentation. It serves as an introduction to the content that will be covered (not to be confused with an introduction slide). It is important to make the title slide visually attractive and attention-grabbing, as it acts as the gateway for the rest of the presentation. A title slide should have only the minimum information that tells the reader or viewer what’s in it for them and how much time it will take.

What is the best title slide design?

The best design for your presentation title slide is a side-by-side title and content slide that includes both a powerful visual and essential information about the presentation. Any title slide PowerPoint can do this, but to make your opening truly outstanding you may want to use video in your title slide outline. A video title slide has the strongest effect on attention and will significantly increase the reading rate for your presentation.

What should a title slide template include?

  1. Presentation title: a title slide should include first and foremost (well.. gosh) a title. The title should encapsulate the main topic of your presentation.
  2. Tag line: you may also want to include a tagline describing slightly more in-depth the sub-topics that will be covered.
  3. Company logo: you may also want to include a logo
  4. Eye-catching visual: an intriguing visual will make your presentation stand out. The best visuals for this are videos and animations since their motion pulls people in.
  5. Reading time: it’s a good idea to tell people up front how long the presentation will take since the coin they pay with is their attention and time, and they need to know the price in order to commit.

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